Wavelet Essays

  • Sinus Tachycardia Case Study

    799 Words  | 4 Pages

    functions or data into components of different frequency. It allows us to study each component separately. These baby wavelets (basis functions) are obtained from a single wavelet called the mother wavelet, by contractions or dilations (scaling) and translations (shifts). Each coefficient is multiplied by the appropriately scaled and shifted wavelet which gives the constituent wavelet of the original signal. The CWT can be interpreted as a linear filtering operation (convolution between the signal x(t)

  • Essay On Face Recognition

    2057 Words  | 9 Pages

    Abstract— Face recognition is one of the most important biometric and face image is a biometrics physical feature use to identify people. Major and Minor segments of face space are eyes, nose and mouth. In biometrics quality face is the most imperative characteristic method for recognize individuals. High intra-class variety inside face pictures of the same individual is the significant issue in face distinguishment. Posture, statement and enlightenment are in charge of high intra-class variety

  • Heart Sound Lab Report

    3126 Words  | 13 Pages

    al., (2001), demonstrated that wavelet denoising techniques in combination with averaging are useful for removing white noise from heart sounds. They have also concluded that a decomposition level of 5 produced reasonable results and the signal produced marginal benefits while the computation time is increased during decomposition. Averaging is done to reduce the noise and produce a characteristic heart beat. Jalel Chebil et al., (2007) utilized the discrete wavelet transforms to identify the first

  • Arrhythmia Detection

    1269 Words  | 6 Pages

    Abstract Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal has been widely used for heart diagnosis. This paper presents a VLSI based design of high speed and area efficient distributive arithmetic discrete wavelet transform (DA-DWT) for Arrhythmia Detection and its FPGA implementation. The main focus of the work is to filter and detect the QRS complex in the ECG signal and to identify the time and frequency variations. By comparing these variations with that of the variations in the normal ECG waveform one may reach

  • Speckle Noise Analysis

    2304 Words  | 10 Pages

    This process is sometimes known as the wavelet shrinkage, as the detail coefficients shrunk towards zero. Three schemes to reduce the size of the wavelet coefficients, namely the keep-or-kill hard thresholding, soft thresholding shrinkage or kill introduced by [26] and the recent semi soft or firm threshold. The wavelet coefficient is reduced more efficiently if the coefficients are limited, that is, most of the coefficients are

  • Essay On Sleep Analysis Paper

    2138 Words  | 9 Pages

    this paper presents a comparison among ‎different time ‎frequency representation methods ‎in ‎sleep study with EEG signal ‎‎.‎EEG signal reflects brain ‎activity and is useful for sleep ‎study. Sleep study is ‎necessary for diagnostic and treatment of sleep ‎disorders.EEG is a non-‎stationary signal and therefore ‎classic methods such as fourier transform is not ‎suitable for ‎studying it. Time frequency ‎representation is one of the methods that are used for ‎feature extraction ‎of EEG signal. There

  • Speech Waveform Characteristics

    1208 Words  | 5 Pages

    1.7 Speech analysis One of the important characteristics of a speech waveform is the time-varying nature of the content of the speech pressure. Determination of the time-varying parameters of speech is a key area of analysis required in speech research. Another key area is classification of speech waveform segments into voiced or voiceless (mixed excitation is usually considered voiced). As mentioned previously, in the case where speech is voiced, the most important parameter is the fundamental

  • Essay On Brain Image Segmentation

    1488 Words  | 6 Pages

    Abstract — Brain magnetic resonance (MR) segmentation algorithms are critical to analyze tissues and diagnose edema and tumor in a quantitative way. The primary aim of brain image segmentation is to partition a given brain image into different regions representing anatomical structures. In this paper, we present a new effective segmentation algorithm that segments brain MR images into tumor, edema, white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The detection of the healthy tissues

  • Image Stitching

    1576 Words  | 7 Pages

    Haar wavelet technique discussed above uses gradient method which provides solution to local adjustments in image by making it an optimization problem. Energy factor could also be taken to optimize the process. This type of mosaic development from Haar wavelet can be enhanced so that complex images can be combined easily in future. Other techniques are also there which provide seamless

  • Edna Pontellier's Death In The Awakening

    687 Words  | 3 Pages

    development. In the last few moments of her life, Edna’s death is illuminated by Kate Chopin’s use of poetic diction. While she removed the weight of her clothing, moments before her death, Kate Chopin describes Edna’s surroundings by stating, “The foamy wavelets curled up to her white

  • Steganoography Research Paper

    9164 Words  | 37 Pages

    A Survey of Different Steganography Techniques Abstract Steganography is defined as the study of invisible communication. It usually deals with the ways of hiding the existence of the communicated data in such a way that it remains confidential. It maintains secrecy between the two communicating parties. The main objectives of steganography are high capacity of the hidden data, perceptual transparency (invisibility), temper resistance, undetectability, computation complexity and robustness. It

  • Eyewitness Research In Criminal Investigation

    3093 Words  | 13 Pages

    Abstract— To determine the uniqueness of criminal, growth in biometric technology have provide law enforcement agency other tools but, several crimes take place where none of the information is present, but instead an eyewitness description of the crime is presented. In these circumstances, a forensic artist is commonly used to work with the eyewitness in order to draw a sketch that depicts the facial look of the criminal according to the spoken description. Forensic sketches differ from view sketches

  • Why The Ocean In Chopin's The Awakening

    313 Words  | 2 Pages

    Edna spends her final moments walking alongside the shore, naked and at her most vulnerable. Chopin personifies the water to emphasize the intimacy of this moment, describing the sea’s voice as “seductive, never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander in abysses of solitude” (175). Just like her despair, the noise of the ocean surrounds Edna completely, asking her to come closer. It isn’t a surprise as to why the ocean appeals so much to Edna, due to its vastness and

  • Ecg Lab Report

    6972 Words  | 28 Pages

    CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION The greatest progress to date in the use of computers for the clinical analysis of physiological data has occurred in the field of cardiology. There are several reasons for this; first of all, electrocardiogram (ECG) potentials are relatively easy to measure; secondly, the ECG is an extremely useful indicator for both screening and diagnosis. In addition, certain abnormalities of the ECG are quite well defined and can be readily identified. The ECG signal provides the

  • Technician Personal Statement

    422 Words  | 2 Pages

    Applicant: Maen N. Al Dweri, ID #: 916236897, Program: MS-ECENGR, Major: G903 My current profession as a lab engineer and EE technician is considered, in terms of its responsibilities and activities, as a sensible job compared to other work offers at the BS level in the region, and now it is essential to boost up my past Education in Electrical Engineering along with the present academic ability and technical knowledge to full potential, and expand my research capacity to attain a noteworthy academic

  • The Art Of Steganography

    7033 Words  | 29 Pages

    INTRODUCTION STEGANOGRAPHY Steganography is an art of hiding data inside data.Steganography is a form of security technique which is used to hide secret messages in various types of files, including digital images, audio and video. It is very old way of hiding secret data, but it changes a lot with the introduction of new technologies. There are many techniques available today for hiding secret data. For hiding in different cover media, there are different techniques. The main aim of steganography

  • Allusions In The Awakening

    566 Words  | 3 Pages

    Allusions are used to show how the characters behave and are affected by their surroundings and emotions. Throughout the story, Chopin uses them to connect the characters to the plot and make each scenario recognizable to the reader. “The foamy wavelets curled up to her white feet, and coiled like serpents about her ankles. She walked out. The water was chill, but she walked on. The water was deep, but she lifted her whole white body and reached out with a long, sweeping stroke. The touch of

  • List Of Characters In Kate Chopin's The Awakening

    520 Words  | 3 Pages

    Title: The Awakening Author: Kate Chopin List of Characters: Edna Pontellier is the wife of a New Orleans businessman Leonce. Edna is dissatisfied with her marriage and lifestyle and goes through great pains to experience a series of “awakenings,” that allow her to discover her own identity and act on her desires for emotional and sexual satisfaction. Edna’s awakenings isolate her from others and ultimately lead her to commit suicide. Mademoiselle Reisz is an isolated yet talented pianist who

  • Essay On Mechanomyography

    2198 Words  | 9 Pages

    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview MMG (mechanomyography) is a technique for interpreting mechanical activity based on muscle contraction. The prediction of muscular tissue condition can be found using MMG, a technique that muscular mechanical waves produced during a fiber’s contraction and stretching that are sensed over skin surface [22]. The purpose of this research is to explore various methods of muscle activity through MMG signal to recognize multiple hand gesture. The evaluation of muscle

  • Death In Edna Pontellier's The Awakening

    591 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the novel, The Awakening, Edna Pontellier commits the final act of embracing death once she comes to the realisation that she would always be chained by her obligation to her children thus being incapable of achieving ultimate freedom. To Edna, death becomes a type of spiritual triumph over and a defiant refusal against society and her children’s constraints. She refuses to regression back to her previous self, the demure, submissive woman she was before she arrived at Grand Isle, before she ever