Wyoming Essays

  • Persuasive Essay On Car Insurance

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    Buying car insurance in Wyoming is easy, fast, and affordable, especially is you are going to compare car insurance quotes online. Comparing car insurance quotes online has to be the best way for you to get a quote, because it will save you a lot of time and also a lot of money. Getting a car insurance quote in Wyoming is a really simple thing to do, but you will need to know some information that will help you get the car insurance that you are looking for. Liability car insurance is a must

  • Brokeback Mountain Research Paper

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    Isac Prof. Halstead LIT 155 2 November 2014 Brokeback Mountain Most Americans doesn’t really know how is the life in Wyoming. It was my dream to come to America, and my dream came true. Six years ago I was very fortunate to come to a beautiful country. I was so excited to see skyscrapers, busy streets however I ended up in a very unexpected beautiful Wyoming-forever west. Wyoming is located in a mountain region with a lot of wild animals and the least population in the country. The nature is breathtaking

  • Grand Teton National Park Research Paper

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    Located in the beautiful state of Wyoming, the Grand Teton mountain is the tallest peak of the Teton Range. Touching the sky at 13,775 feet, the Grand Teton is only half the height of Mount Everest but still possesses the power to take your breath away. Day 1 - Snake River Rafting My first day in visiting Grand Teton National Park will be a day of great relaxation. I figured that after all my traveling, a restful trip down the Snake River would do me good. During the ten mile rafting tour I plan

  • Summary Of The Oregon Trail By Francis Parkman

    974 Words  | 4 Pages

    Francis Parkman wrote an important document about The Oregon Trail. Francis was born in Massachusetts,Boston but then sent off to his grandfather because he was a poor health child. He was born on september 16, 1823. At age 16 Parkman enrolled in Harvard and was accepted. Francis’s father wanted him to be a lawyer instead of Francis’s desire, journalism. After law school Parkman proceeded of what he desired. He learned how to sleep and hunt, and could survive alone by himself. Parkman has accomplished

  • Hidatsa Tribe Essay

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    In the 1600’s part of the tribe had split off from the Hidatsa and began their move, and later on in history they were known as the Crow. (2) The Crow Indian Reservation is in southeastern Montana. Crow Indians are a tribe of the northern Great Plains of the United States. The name Crow comes from the translation of the tribe’s name itself, Apsáalooke, which means children of the long-beaked bird or bird people. Their tribe name is also spelled Apsáalooke The Crow Indians had been part of the Hidatsa

  • Dick Cabela's Marketing Strategy

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    hunting, fishing and outdoor gear.” It was created somewhat on accident in 1961.This happened when Dick Cabela started to sell fishing flies he bought from Chicago. When he returned home to Chappell, Nebraska, Dick Cabela ran an ad in the Casper, Wyoming, newspaper reading: "12 hand-tied flies for $1." It generated one response.This approach didn't work so he chose to put a different ad which read "FREE Introductory offer! 5 hand tied Flies....25c Postage....Handling" .This lead to rapid sales from

  • Essay On Grizzly Bears

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    Grizzly Bears of Yellowstone As of the 1800s two explores by the name of Lewis and Clark encountered around 37 grizzly bears while in the Louisiana Purchase. The number of grizzly bears traveled from North Dakota into Idaho between a distance span of 1600 kilometers (1000 mi). The grizzly bears ranged west of the Mississippi river to Canada then central Mexico estimated numbers say around the time of Lewis and Clark the numbers had been between 5000 to 100000 as they went through with their

  • Summary Of The Oregon Trail By Francis Parkman

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    describes the journey that the author (Francis Parkman) took across The Oregon Trail. The Oregon Trail is a route to the Northwest that connected the Missouri River to valleys in Oregon. It crossed through Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, and Oregon. There was originally a lot more to this book, but the author had to take some of the information out because it was too rough for the public to read. Francis Parkman who is the author of “The Oregon Trail” is a historian that

  • History Of The Nez Perce: The Yellowstone National Park Movement

    316 Words  | 2 Pages

    Traveling over 1,500 miles, through what would become the four states of Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, and finally Montana, the fugitive Nez Perce kept moving – they were determined to reach safety for themselves and their families. Their long journey took them through the newly established Yellowstone National Park where they encountered several groups of tourists. The journey lasted more than three months, across mountains, rivers, and prairies.The U.S. Army, commanded by General Oliver O. Howard,

  • The White Tiger Short Story

    1344 Words  | 6 Pages

    The White Tiger Soft, quiet footsteps is all that was to be heard at the heart of the jungle as a man quietly walked between rotten branches from the ancient trees. His bow was raised, ready to fire. He was somewhat of a wind, once there now gone, going its own direction. The wind was blowing his way which made this day perfect for hunting. The morning was cold but the sun was already shining. The birds sang their morning song. He was so camouflaged that all that can be seen is the gleaming, sharp

  • What Is John Muir's Interpretation Of Time?

    700 Words  | 3 Pages

    When thinking about time one many have different interpretation on what time is. One may say time is just a clock, others may say time is forever. In this paper we will talk about four different essays and how their authors interpret on what time is. One of the authors named Henry David Thoreau used a pond to describe how he views time. Aldo Leopold decided to write about how he understood about time and life by using a mountain as an example. John Muir wrote how it takes years for trees to grow

  • Lost Dutchman Mine Research Papers

    860 Words  | 4 Pages

    The lost Dutchman Mine is one of Arizona’s greatest legends. It is said to be in the Superstition Mountains near Apache Junction and east of Phoenix. The mine was named after a German immigrant named Jacob Waltz which was born in 1810 and he died in 1891. It was named that way because in America a common term for a “German” is “Dutchman”. It is most likely one of the most famous mine in American history. People have been seeking the Lost Dutchman mine since 1892 with an estimated 8,000 people yearly

  • A Colorado History And The Excerpt Of Rufus Sages Rocky Mountain Life

    1005 Words  | 5 Pages

    Early Americas best explores of the Rocky Mountains were the fur trappers. These trappers would explore Colorado’s interior in search of beaver pelts. They would interact and trade with trappers and people of different nations. Because of the fur traders that ventured into Colorado they would become the guiding force that helped America expand west and be the leading cause to the decrease of beaver, bison and other large ungulates populations. From reading A Colorado History and the excerpt of Rufus

  • How Did Buffalo Soldiers Influence American History

    469 Words  | 2 Pages

    Soldiers Buffalo Soldiers began as members of the U.S. 9th and 10th Cavalry Regiment of the U.S. Army. Their nickname was given to them by the Native American tribes they fought in the Indian Wars. The term Buffalo Soldiers, over time, became the name used for all African American soldiers. The buffalo soldiers influenced American history through their service, bravery, and the respect they gained. In the beginning of the Indian wars, a group of "all-black regiments who fought alongside the white

  • Wild Bill Hickok's Gambling

    888 Words  | 4 Pages

    My paper is going to be about Wild Bill’s life as a gunfighter and his gambling addiction. He was a good gunfighter, but had a problem with gambling. I’ll be talking about what people thought about him. How he gambled and about how he was feared. I'll also talk about what led him to be a gunfighter. When he was born, and when he died. Wild Bill was born in Troy Grove, Illinois, on May 27, 1837. Hickok was born into a family with 5 children. Wild Bill wanted to abolish slavery he joined a group of

  • The Struggle Between Men And Women In The Handmaid's Tale

    825 Words  | 4 Pages

    Imagine living in a world where roles are given, freedom is taken, and you must abide to the rules unjust to everyone. Would you fight back, or reluctantly follow these oppressive rules? Offred is an independent and emotional woman who is forced into labor. In the novel The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, women are forced into certain labor based on their fertility and status in this new society. Both men and women have become oppressed for the sake of the country. Offred is a handmaid given

  • The Role Of Hydrothermal Features In Yellowstone National Park

    271 Words  | 2 Pages

    Yellowstone National Park is an ancient land located in the western United States. This land was built from fire and ice, and natural wonders dot the landscape. The ancient people that called it home believed that it was sacred, and the animals that call it home today roam on the open land. Yellowstone’s formation began 66 million years ago during the Cenozoic era. Below Yellowstone’s surface lies molten rock that formed the land that is Yellowstone today (Nat'l Park Service U.S Dept. of the Interior)

  • Compare And Contrast South Carolina And Colorado

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    I’ve lived in South Carolina 20 years and have enjoyed it very much, however one day I will move back to Colorado. I spent about 10 months in this beautiful states and I observed how healthy and active the people were. So naturally I chose to compare and contrast South Carolina and Colorado. South Carolina is ranked 33 as the Healthiest States for Seniors where as Colorado is ranked number 4. South Carolina has a low percentage of low-care nursing home residents, the excessive drinking is not prevalent

  • Summary Of Montana By Jared Diamond

    1805 Words  | 8 Pages

    Starting off in Chapter 1, Diamond begins to talk about Montana and use Montana for his case study on past and present environmental problems. He believes that Montana is ideal for such a study for two main reasons. First off he believes that Montana is the best source for his study simply because its society still stands today. Unlike many of the civilizations that he also speaks of--Polynesian, Anasazi, Maya and Greenland Norse-- he can understand what the circumstances were at the time and is

  • John Colter And Tom Murphy Argumentative Essay

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    I'm going to be talking about John Colter and Tom Murphy's disadvantages and advantages when they were out exploring. And how hard it must have been on both of them to go out in the freezing cold, by themselves. They had to take care of themselves. It was a cold night up in Yellow Stone, when John Colter was walking around out there all by himself in the freezing cold, he even had to build his own shelter which was probably hard, so when John Colter finally had found such a good spot to put his