Zooey Deschanel Essays

  • Buddy The Elf Analysis

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    The Hilarious Comedy, Elf.     Buddy the Elf, as he is known to many, was a normal baby who accidentally crawled into Santa’s sack on Christmas one year. Buddy was raised at the North Pole along with all of the other elves. Life was completely normal for Buddy up until he noticed that he was way larger than the rest of the elves and did not fit in with them. Santa soon realized this too, and sent Buddy to New York City in search of his real family. While there he finds his father, who he tries to

  • Love In Fahrenheit 451

    720 Words  | 3 Pages

    In fahrenheit 451, Mildred wants to kill herself because she is very unhappy. Some might argue that she is just sick, but that isn’t all because she depicts signs that she is depressed, lonely, and lacks the feeling of love. This could all be causes of society having a negative effect on Mildred and her wellbeing; technology, obsession, and being unable to cope with her emotion are all factors that play into Mildred life. Fahrenheit 451 burns through the thoughts of readers as controversy spills

  • Catcher In The Rye Rebellion Analysis

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    A rebel is a “man who says no, but whose refusal does not imply renunciation” (Camus, 1991: 1), said French philosopher Albert Camus. The precondition to rebellion is oppression. Rebellion is not a denunciation of life in its entirety, according to Camus, but parts of life which are oppressive and do not allow men to be free. In J.D. Salinger’s novel, The Catcher in the rye, the protagonist and narrator Holden Caulfield is a sixteen-year-old boy who has just been kicked out of school, Pency Prep

  • James And The Giant Peach Analysis

    706 Words  | 3 Pages

    James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl is about a lonely nine-year-old orphan who lives with his two greedy aunts. Their names were Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker. What happened in the book is that an old man gave James a bag full of one thousand long slimy crocodile tongues that were boiled up in the skull of a dead witch for twenty days and nights with the eyeball of a lizard. When the tongues were released, they went in the ground and then into a peach tree. There was a peach that started growing

  • A Tree Grows In Brooklyn Essay

    607 Words  | 3 Pages

    In A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, the author, Betty Smith, establishes a form of bildungsroman in which the story centers on a protagonist who matures and learns from various experiences. Throughout the novel, the audience is able to witness the hardships of the Nolan family, consisting of Francie, Neeley, Katie, and Johnny. A pivotal moment in the maturation of Francie occurs in Book Three, when Johnny Nolan dies from alcoholism. This event is significant in both the psychological and moral development

  • How Does Franny And Zooey Affect The Way Of A Pilgrim?

    597 Words  | 3 Pages

    Franny Glass a college student at the young age of twenty from J.D. Salinger’s book Franny and Zooey, has many misconstructions and views on religion and life. These views tend to affect her ways of thinking and how she interacts with others throughout the story. She starts to think lowly of others and tries too hard to impress others in her plays when really she needed to focus on self improving herself. Her obsession with the Jesus Prayer which she reads about in the story The Way of a Pilgrim

  • Loyalty In J. D. Salinger's Franny

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    In “Franny”, Franny Glass meets up with her boyfriend for a date. She tries her very best to act in a nice manor, but she cannot hold back her inner emotions. She begins expressing her emotions in something that looks much like an emotional breakdown. Franny is very upset with her fellow students as well as professors and their materialistic views of the world. As she progressively becomes more upset, she reveals her obsession with the “Jesus Prayer”. She even recites it after she passes out in the

  • Franny And Zooey And Frazey Analysis

    657 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the beginning of J.D. Salinger’s Franny and Zooey, Franny Glass is first introduced through her boyfriend, Lane Coutell, reading the letter that she wrote to him. In this letter, Franny repeatedly says “I love you”, complains about poets, talks about her hate for strong men and also questions her intelligence. This letter is important to the story as a whole because it foreshadows Franny’s behavior in the book. This is a glimpse into what leads her to have a mental, emotional, and physical breakdown

  • Theme Of Religion In The Handmaid's Tale

    932 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Handmaid’s Tale is a novel written by Margaret Atwood in the 1980’s. It is about a main character named Offred who is a Handmaid, the narrative follows through her life in Gilead. It regularly goes back in time to before being a Handmaid. There are very strict rules that a Handmaid has to follow. They have very little rights, if they even have any. This is further illustrated in the role of religion and how it plays out in the novel. Margaret Atwood used many references to religion as a whole

  • Who Is Butler Quote To Franny?

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    a set of meanings already socially established; it is the mundane and ritualized form of their legitimation." Butler is using Victor Turner suggestion that there is a repetition in society that is set by actions that have already established by roles that are followed and it feels rewarding. Franny has had that interaction, she enjoys the applause of the audience and how it has been a sense of exception to her. The repetition that Butler Quotes in her essay is part of what Franny has been doing in

  • Symbolism In A Tree Grows In Brooklyn

    729 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the historical fiction novel, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Francie grows up in the tenements of Brooklyn. She lives in a time where she can go to school, choose her own job, and electricity is now becoming standard in everyday life. In contrast, her family’s financial situation makes luxuries like owning land and spending extra on items other than basic survival out of reach. Katie, Francie’s mother, however, has a couple of possessions that Francie can waste as she wants. Despite being very poor

  • Chapter Summary By Franny Chapter Summaries

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    interested in Franny than in the beginning of the story. Lane then leaves to get a cab for the two of them, and Franny remains on the couch. She appears to be mouthing something while staring up at the ceiling, which can be inferred to be the Jesus Prayer. Zooey begins with an “author’s introduction”, where the author reveals that the tale is extremely personal. Towards the end of this introduction, it is revealed that the narrator is Buddy Glass, who is now the eldest Glass sibling since Seymour Glass committed

  • Franny: Deviating From The Salinger Norm

    369 Words  | 2 Pages

    consistent, and I chose this passage to examine for the semester because it is both heavily Salinger and completely deviating from the Salinger norm. What I found seemed to explain what felt so different about this excerpt; much of the text of Franny and Zooey is dialogue that repeats itself regularly while this was almost exclusively clear-cut description that moved at a rapid fire pace and spared little room for subjective details. I kept finding a clinical, chronological order to what was almost a list

  • Franny And Zooey Essay

    663 Words  | 3 Pages

    Franny & Zooey by J.D Salinger is a book where the author talks about how Franny & Zooey life is after Seymour’s death and when Buddy is not around anymore. The question is how does Seymour’s death and Buddy being no longer present affect Franny. Franny was all about theater and being the person who doesn’t care what other people really think of here. It affected her by her being religious, the pilgrim book, and identity crisis. First off Franny has an Identity crisis which is affected by Seymour’s

  • Franny And Zooey Literary Analysis

    695 Words  | 3 Pages

    In Franny and Zooey by J.D Salinger Franny was religiously confused because she has never forgiven Seymour. Seymour has always been the one to paint the path of religion ever since Franny and Zooey were younger, so when Seymour killed himself Zooey was able to forgive him, but Franny was unable to forgive him and that lead her to her religious breakdown. Religion is very important in Franny and Zooey because Seymour, being the oldest, taught them everything from the jesus prayer, to the fat lady

  • Creative Writing: The Rocky Mountain Animal Shelter

    549 Words  | 3 Pages

    is the loneliest tenth grader at High River High School. Frankie is a nerd, an outcast, a loner. The only time people talk to Frankie is when they want a pencil. Frankie has frizzy hair and horrific bangs. Every person at HRHS knows that only Zooey Deschanel can rock bangs. Frankie bites her nails and is incredibly awkward in social situations. Overall, Frankie is as cool as burning lava. Frankie has one escape from the loneliness in her life, the Rocky Mountain Animal Shelter. When other kids were

  • Analysis Of Summer Annie Hall And High Fidelity

    992 Words  | 4 Pages

    Going to the universities’ library earlier this month to rent three films, - 500 days of Summer, Annie Hall and High Fidelity- was the first step to my critical writing and analysing process. I spent some time at home, to watch these three completely different movies. Although there is one theme that captures the common motif in these three movies, the theme Romance. The standard model suggests that a film wherein the plot revolves around the love feelings and love between two protagonists can be

  • My Experience In Middle School

    750 Words  | 3 Pages

    According to Zooey Deschanel, nothing can be as hard as middle school. I was a big scaredy cat when I started middle school in 5th grade. My guts were flipping and flopping on that first day. Even though I didn’t know any teachers or friends, I made new friends and met new teachers. I had Mrs. Wherley as a homeroom teacher, she was nice as pie to me. I liked how we could move around to classes instead of staying in one class for the whole day. The first few days I felt like I was part of a cattle

  • Uncle Tom Archetype Analysis

    833 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Uncle Tom archetype was very prominent in television shows in the Jim Crow Era. Since then the stereotype has transformed into the Token Black Friend. This stereotype is most commonly seen in predominately white television shows. In Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Corey Gamble represents the token Black person; in the show, he is currently dating executive producer and matriarch to the family, Kris Jenner. In many episodes, he exhibits traits of the Uncle Tom archetype, he is "submissive, stoic

  • Femininity In Film

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    don't know why femininity should be associated with weakness. Women should be free to express who they are without thinking, 'I need to act like a man, or I need to tone it down to be successful.' That's a very good way to keep women down” said Zooey Deschanel, an American actress. However, the main reason behind femininity’s association with weakness is due to society’s perception of the fundamentals of femininity. As a matter of fact, the main contributory influence to the unhealthy perception is