Zoos Essays

  • Kept In Zoos

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    The Association of Zoos and Aquariums, a nonprofit association made to save wildlife, reported, “There are approximately 800,000 animals in the care of AZA-accredited zoo and aquarium professionals.” Zoos are organizations that work to protect wildlife, learn knowledge, and serve their community. Animals that are not living in zoos live in the wild which means no captivity. Animals should be kept in zoos because of entertainment, health, and research purposes. It can be argued that animals should

  • The Value Of Zoos

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    place in zoos and controversies of the significance of zoos are never-ending. Admittedly, visiting zoos, human beings, especially children, can have the opportunity to get closer to wild creatures, which presumably equips them with the knowledge of animals and teaches them about sympathy. But with the business of displaying animals as to attract customers booming, more and more problems have come to light. Despite the economic benefits a zoo brings about, human beings had best to phase out zoos for entertaining

  • Are Zoos Are Bad

    297 Words  | 2 Pages

    Zoos are like prisons for animals but everyone is innocent. The visitors at Jacksonville zoo were shocked, when the elephant was bashing into the enclosures wall. Zoo keepers force animals to live in harsh conditions by not providing sufficient space, Animals such as the elephants have a reduced life span in zoos. Zoo keepers force animals to do tricks. Zoos are bad. Zoos don’t provide sufficient space. According to the article by Virginia Morell, elephants in zoos are overweight because

  • Animals In Zoos

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    of keeping animals in zoos, aquariums and circus is one of the more intriguing areas of conflict within the animal ethics–conservation ethics debate. The presumption that the keeping of animals in captivity and taking them from wildlife is morally acceptable has long been questioned by animal rights–oriented philosophers who believe that such facilities by definition diminish animals’ liberty and dignity as beings possessing inherent worth. This broad ethical debate over zoos, aquariums and circus

  • Zoochosis In The Zoo

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    people visit zoos a year, causing animals to become stressed, bored or frustrated, a term called ‘zoochosis’” (Good). Zoochosis is described as the abnormal actions of animals due to being held in captivity. Because zoochosis is caused by the terror people bring, the children and families that visit are harming the animals. Zoochosis brings many symptoms to the animals including “fur plucking, rocking and pacing” (Good). Zoochosis, caused by people, hurt the

  • Captivity In Zoos

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    Zoos are prisons for animals. They’re life is controlled by zookeepers, they are given limited choices as to daily activities, food, sexual partners or social interactions with others of their species (Singer). Additionally, certain animals such as orca whales can be watched through drone footage, which reveal that the space provided for them is too small for these large creatures to be held in captivity. Lolita, an orca whale who lived at the Miami Seaquarium since 1970, is an example of these inhumane

  • Abuse In Zoos

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    Abuse in Zoos and Circuses Zoos and Circuses have been around for many years. They provide protection and homes for many animals from around the world. What we do not know is what goes on behind the scenes when the crowds are not there. People of every age come for the entertainment of animals at Zoos and Circuses, but what is not watched is what goes on after the shows are over. In the article “Zoos and Circuses: overview”, it is stated, “Early zoos, aquariums, and circuses obtained their animals

  • College Essay On Zoos

    1470 Words  | 6 Pages

    require captive measures, including zoos (Louis P. Cain and Dennis A. Meritt Jr.). Therefore, the survival of the animals will rely solely on the ability of the zoos to provide the proper care. But these conservation efforts will not work unless the enclosure of these animals are able to meet their needs. In a study done by G. B. Hubbard, R. E. Schmidt and K. C. Fletcher, neoplastic disease (tumors on the brain) was evaluated in acquirements from the San Antonio Zoo during a 10-year period. They found

  • Persuasive Essay Zoos

    522 Words  | 3 Pages

    Zoos have been around for centuries, attracting many people to look at the beautiful, majestic animals. However, these magnificent creatures are being held captive at these zoos. Animals should be able to live in the wild where they belong and should be set free. False statements about animals in the zoos have been made, therefore animals should be allowed to live freely in the wild and zoos should be banned. First, zoos should be banned, because animals can easily can escape and can be very harmful

  • Persuasive Essay Zoos

    409 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ninety percent of animals in accredited facilities were born in zoos, not taken from the wild. Wildlife should not stay wild because they reproducing, living longer and have very realistic and better habitats. Although some will argue that animals should stay wild, zoos help protect them and educate the public. Zoos help animals live longer than they do in the wild and reproduce consistently. Animals are kept in large naturalistic exhibits, fed well and cared for, giving them a long healthy life

  • Zoos In The Modern World

    722 Words  | 3 Pages

    threatened with the thoughts of extinction. Although they are being threatened many zoos around the world are attempting to help the problem. Which is one of the many things zoos are doing to help the cause. I think that the zoos are doing more positive things than negative, because some are really getting behind this thought of them being bad and are doing everything they can to rid that burden off of their name. Zoos Are trying to help slow extinction and make it stop completely. They are trying to

  • Tweddle Farm Zoos

    331 Words  | 2 Pages

    Do you want to be taken from your home and thrown in concrete prison for the rest of your life? Zoos are the only prison were the animals are on the other side of the bar. Zookeepers starve animals, zookeepers thought animals in small steel cages and zookeepers taken from a natural environment. Zoos should not keep animals. Zookeepers kill animals. According to CABS zoo keepers kill animals for space, starve animals and don’t take care of diseases. Animals are killed for no reason and the population

  • Zoos Are Harmful To Animals

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    that 's what happens when animals go to zoos. Zoos are harmful to animals. To begin with, Animals aren 't getting the right diet when they live in zoos. Also, animals are not getting the right amount of space. Lastly, animals are getting a disease called Zoochosis. After reading this essay You can be the judge if zoos are helpful or harmful to animals. First, zoos are harmful to animals because zoos are not giving animals a healthy diet. In the article Zoos The Historical Debate it states, “Red

  • Persuasive Essay On Zoos

    380 Words  | 2 Pages

    Zoos should not be allowed and shut down because they are internment camps for animals and here are some reasons why. First, zoos cannot provide sufficient space. Zoos don’t have the space that animals would have in the wild. Tigers and Lions have around 18,000 times less space in zoos than they would in the wild. It also causes them to change their habits because in the wild hunting in the wild was a necessity to survive, zoos lack that feature. Also, In addition, research shows that animals are

  • Persuasive Essay On Zoos

    544 Words  | 3 Pages

    You walk into the zoo in your town and as you’re walking around you see a Tiger in its exhibit and you see it pacing around, a lot, and wonder do they pace around this much in the wild? Zoos have been around for centuries. At first they started out as collections of animals in a cage. Early ones were diseased and treated poorly. Now modern zoos pride themselves in treating the animals with respect. Although zoos can be beneficial, zoos should not be around anymore because visitors never really see

  • Negative Effects Of Zoos

    907 Words  | 4 Pages

    A zoo is an establishment that maintains a collection of wild animals for study, conservation, or display to the public. “Within the prison walls of every zoo, sit tortured souls with empty eyes. And broken spirits” (Within the prison walls of every zoo and circus). Zoos are where endangered species or different species around the world are sent for conservation and may be “protected” by zookeepers or studied by scientists. Wildlife creatures that are currently in wildlife parks are living in monstrous

  • Persuasive Essay On Zoos

    335 Words  | 2 Pages

    Zoos are a safe way for kids and families to observe animals in their "natural habitats."Humans cannot see animal emotions and expressions, so we just assume the animals are comfortable in their manmade habitats. We don't know how wild animals act in their normal habitats, so we cannot tell if they are acting unusual or in distress. Although the animals look like they are having fun with one another in their cages, they are actually getting forced to go through breeding programs, getting less space

  • Zoos Research Paper

    1093 Words  | 5 Pages

    The question of the necessity of zoos is extremely controversial nowadays. There are many people who advocate for replacing them with sanctuaries as they believe money spent on keeping wild animals captive might have been used for conserving them in wild. Others are concerned that zoos serve not only for people's pleasure but for preserving and keeping populations that otherwise would go extinct. There are sufficient arguments for both points of view, expressed in various articles that are dedicated

  • The Pros And Cons Of Zoos

    886 Words  | 4 Pages

    Growing up I had my own idea of what a zoo was, a place like the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo full of beautiful animals and dedicated to education, research, and conservation. After persistent research I have come to find that not all zoos are the same. Zoos can range from nationally ranked research facilities to makeshift “monkey-shows” dedicated to profit. The debate of whether zoos are ethical can be easily split between animal rights activists and zoo advocates. Animal rights activists argue that

  • Persuasive Essay On Zoos

    315 Words  | 2 Pages

    Zoos should be shut down so animals can stay in the wild. Some proof of this claim is from separation of parents, losing natural instincts, and just not enough space in each cage. These zoos can be very abusive or unfair. According to an online article losing parents can be tragic, and stressful. That’s why studies show that when most animals pace around it means they are stressed out about being taken away of their own free will and sent to a loud zoo with no privacy, space or family. Being a foster