• How Can The Environment Influence Child Behavior?

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Essay Question #3 How can the environment (floor plan, decor, color of the walls, use of materials, etc) influence child behavior? How would you set up a classroom for four year olds? In what ways can teacher response reduce the amount of challenging behaviors in the classroom? How can the environment (floor plan, decor, color of the walls, use of materials, etc) influence child behavior? If the environment is set up with the knowledge of how children learn and develop it can positively support and encourage teaching and learning. The teacher can make the classroom environment more attractive in a number of ways, including by posting interesting instructional materials (bulletin board displays), boosting the pace of (and degree of student …show more content…

For example, you may want to begin with a Bulletin Board set, add some Borders, throw in some Posters or Banners and finish everything off with some Accents or Cutouts. Your child care environment influences how they may feel about themselves. Having the right floor plan, decor, color on the walls, and the appropriate use of materials for the age appropriate child may encourage and influence security and comfort, self-esteem, motor development within young children. The key to creating an environment conducive to learning in a classroom is to not over-stimulate learners using bright and warm colors in a classroom environment helps give students a since of calmness, relaxation, happiness and comfort as they do activities and lessons in the classroom, this will influence the child’s behavior while there in the classroom. How would you set up a classroom for four year olds? My four-year classroom will be educational, safe, and engaging. In my classroom, I will have a calendar for the children to keep up with the days of the week, Circle Time for twenty minutes everyday something I might include may be a letter or sight word of the week, a Spanish Word of the Week, a schedule for the day and/or week, "Homework" Center (optional