Supporting Positive Behaviour In Children

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The attitude of the educator can create an environment that supports either positive or negative behaviour. A lack of trust in children to make positive choices makes educators seem over-controlling and leads to individual children do not have their needs met (Fields, Merritt, Fields, 2014). To support positive behaviour in an early childhood setting I would have a clear set of rules and expectations for all children, as children need to know what is expected of them in order to display appropriate behaviour (KidsMatter, 2013). These rules I would create at the start of the year, along with the help of the children. Including children in the creation of the rules in their setting helps them understand the importance of having rules and encourages them to follow them (KidsMatter, …show more content…

Throughout the year I would be consistent and remind children of my expectations to limit the amount of unacceptable behaviours. Kearns states that it is important for educators to be consistent in their expectations because it helps children learn what is acceptable if all educators react in the same way to unacceptable behaviours (2013).
The National Quality Framework, quality area 3 – Physical environment states that “the environment must be safe, suitable and provide a rich and diverse range of experiences promoting children’s learning and development” (ACECQA, 2011). According to Fields, Merritt, and Fields, the layout of the environment should be set up to facilitate responsibility and independence. It has a deep impact on children’s motivation and wellbeing. An early childhood setting that is organised well can support positive interactions and motivate learning (2014). A poorly organised layout may encourage children to