1 2-Propanediol Analysis

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final major of their metabolism. MICROORGANISMS PRODUCING 1, 2-PROPANEDIOL Wide ranges of bacteria are acknowledged at present to ferment sugars for 1, 2-propanediol. The manufacture of this diol accounted in bacteria and yeast. Enebo as early as in 1954 reported Clostridium thermobutyricum to generate 1, 2-propanediol. Suzuki and onishi were the first to inform propanediol as being an entity to produce yeast. Ten years afterwards, Bacteroides ruminicola was cited as manufacturer of this diol by Turner and Robertson. They, both deliberated the metabolism and growth of b. ruminicola defer grown on rhamnose, where it has been observed experimentally that rhamnose has mainly fermented to 1,2-propanediol, xylose and arabinose. A path of straight …show more content…

Salmonella typhimurium account 1,2-propanediol, de-oxy sugars. Identify an equimolar extent of 1, 2-propanediol when (methyl pentose), rhamnose or fucose was used as substrate. However, still 1, 2-propanediol is not further metabolized by anaerobic cultures, and will disappear gradually from the middle in s. typhimurium cultures maintained in similar surroundings. This meticulous inquiry discovered that when grown on rhamnose, s. typhimurium excreted 1.0 M 1, 2-propanediol/m of sugars in the middle. Now, after collapse of the sugar, the diol concentration has arrived to its maximum and step by step it departed when the culture was kept in the same conditions for more time. Vanishing of these diol did not occur at all when cells were removed from the medium by the process of centrifugation. Veiaga da Cunha and Foster reported for the first time Lactobacillus brevis and l. buchneri can also produce 1, 2-propanediol degrading lactic acid using glycerol as an electron acceptor. This new way of production of 1, 2-propanediol was described by Elferinketal elsewhere. While studying on l. buchneri and l. parabuchneri. These Lactobacilli were capable of degrading lactic under anoxic conditions, without requiring an peripheral electron acceptor. Here again, each mole of lactic acid has been altered into approximately 0.50001 M acetic acid, 0.50002 M in 1, 2-propanediol and traces of ethanol. Furthermore the acidic conditions are necessary to produce the acid lactic cells degrading the