1.7 Poetry Assessment: How Does Communication Change Us?

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1 Assignment 1.7 Poetry Assessment How does communication change us? 1. Does communication change us?Communication changes us because first of all, if we need help on something, we communicate with each other, and we understand new things. Another reason is that if communication could change the world. Like for instance as a community, communicate with others around the world how trash is harmful and could pollute the world. The third reason is that, communication is important in business. By communicating with others about your business, you can improve and help your own business.2. Provide an example of each poetic device from any of the assigned poems. For each quote, explain the author’s intended meaning. What is the author really saying? (36 points) Figurative …show more content…

In the first stanza, the speaker illustrates how the free bird, or white race, is untroubled. It also shows how the white race has the audacity to own and govern society unjustly. The speaker concludes'' (the free bird) dares to claim the sky". This shows how whites demonstrated discrimination andprejudice toward blacks. Unfortunately, this deplorable conduct was condoned in society.SimilePoem: A SimileQuote:What did we say to each otherthat now we are as the deerwho walk in single filewith heads highwith ears forwardwith eyes watchfulwith hooves always placed on firm groundin whose limbs there is latent flightThe poem seems to describe anargument between two people. From theway it was written, it may be that the way the couple felt was what thepoem is talking about. The way they walk in single file rather thanside by side. They look forward instead ofeach other. This was probably after avery bad argument that left both people feeling bad. They don’t know what they say to each otherand instead ignore each other as if something had come between