
1. How Did Publishing Effect A Change In Musical Style

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Homework #7

1. How did publishing effect a change in musical style in the Church, and what style was soon seen as outdated?

During that time, the novel act of printing enabled writers and composers to share their

work with others more easily and quickly, while making profits off of their work. Protestants, on

the other hand, could do the same as well. Because their ideas could rapidly spread around to the

public, that caused the Reformation to “provide a new large market for printers.” This new

method of communication helped to shape changes in musical styles in the Church because

“ease of travel (of musical materials)” made it possible to create some new “hybrid styles in

genres.” Page …show more content…

I actually

find it interesting that the textbook mentions that the Church wanted attractive music during that

time, because I remember when we were learning about the Eucharist and the Synaxis, and

learning that the Church wanted the music of the Eucharist to be really amazing and jaw-

dropping in order to inspire non-members to join to the Church. The difference now though,

is that now the music includes instruments, rather than just voices. As for how they wanted

the listeners to feel, I think that they wanted them to feel like they were stepping into Heaven

and experiencing a lot of joy that carries the power to leave them in awe-struck wonder.

3. Listen to Gabrieli’s sacred concerto, In ecclesiis (CD 1, track 58; score pp. 194-207). Pick two moments that you find impressive or noteworthy and describe their musical techniques and sound qualities, and the emotional effect they have on you as a listener. Feel free to use adjectives, metaphors, or whatever rhetoric you believe most accurately captures your reactions.

First of all, my first impressions of it when I first heard it in class on Monday, was

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