12 Angry Men Oj Simpson Case

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Orenthal James (O.J.) Simpson was American football player who played in the NFL from 1969-1977. He first joined the NFL at the age of 22 (born July 9th, 1947). After his professional football career he became a broadcaster and professional actor. He resigned in San Francisco, California before his conviction but now lives in the Las Vegas area where he is is on parole. In 2008, Simpson was sentenced to 33 years in prison for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman with eligibility for parole in nine years. Nicole Brown Simpson was an ex-girlfriend who Simpson had two kids with and Ronald Goldman was Nicole's new friend.

On June 12, 1994, Nicole and Goldman were found stabbed to death outside Nicole's condominium …show more content…

The main way these two are related is because despite strong evidence against Simpson, the lawyers successfully raised doubts about the handling of the evidence. In 12 Angry Men the jury raises a doubt about the timing of events around the murder and the witnesses testimony. In both cases the the person convicted of murder gets off after reasonable doubt has been proven. In 12 Angry Men the evidence found was a knife with that was thought to be unique, in

No I do not agree with the verdict of OJ being not guilty of the murder of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman. I think that there is more evidence against OJ being the murder then there is reasonable doubt against. I think that although the glove didn't fit OJ’s hand in the courtroom there are many factors that could have altered the size of the glove before he tried it on in court. Due to the prior number of 911 calls involving violence between OJ and Nicole, this kind of behaviour would follow in the same footsteps.Also they had strong evidence against OJ because the blood type found at the scene matched his and only 0.5 percent of the population has this blood type (“The Trial of O. J. Simpson: The Incriminating

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