18th Century Dbq Essay

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Foreign And Domestic Policies of Powerful Nations in Europe & America in the 18th century

The Mid-18th Century was during the era that included both the European Age of Enlightenment as well as the Industrious Revolution, this century was a time of political, economic, and cultural reform in much of Europe. Foreign conquest has a great impact on the political stability of the country, as well as the economic well-being, and without properly balanced priority on domestic and foreign policies, a country will suffer greatly. Foreign Policies in Europe did not change greatly during this time period, a few dominant countries conquered and grew more influential constantly, politics in Europe and in America as well as the economies of both continents …show more content…

Document 7 is a quote from the Native American Chief Pontiac, to the tribes gathered near the great lakes after the British defeat of their French allies. He says that the British have trespassed into their land and disrespected them by the way they have treated the native population, and that the native tribes should band together to rid their land of the British. The Chief would have this opinion naturally, as the source also states that the British do not trade fairly and that if they continue to trade in this way the native economy will suffer, also that the British goods do not last long and are more expensive than what they were with the French. Document 9 is written by a British ambassador in the Caribbean, he writes to the British Government saying that because of Spain’s insistence on charging high taxes to the imports and exports in their American empire, that the British should start allowing the Spanish into their own ports without tax, so that the Spanish would show them the same courtesy. The British ambassador would have this opinion because of Britain's trade situation with Spain at the time, the British needed to trade with spain, but the Spanish were taxing them very highly in their ports, naturally this was not enjoyed by the British. The European power struggles caused economic issues to the regions that were conquered, as well as in the origin country. economically, the foreign conquests of many nations, lead to many defeated armies and left many empires in deplorable financial situations back home, all of this forced some nations to desperate measures to insure