Main Idea Logs

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Main Idea Logs (Chapter 22 Bulliet) Prelude To Revolution: The Eighteenth-Century Crisis Overtime, many enlightenment ideas spread throughout the Western World that would later cause major revolutions in the West such as the American Revolution and the French Revolution. (Before the 1st section) Changes in the way people thought about government and power as a result of new taxes imposed because of costly wars ultimately caused the age of Revolution. Colonial Wars and Fiscal Crises Countries started competing with each other on a global scale. This competition between European states led to major wars fought (“War of the Spanish Succession” and “Seven Years’ War”). These wars ultimately caused debt problems for the European …show more content…

Folk Cultures and Popular Protest Even though intellects debated for more rational laws of the Enlightenment, most people in the Western World conformed to cultural values of the past. European monarchs increased their authority by changing taxes, judicial practices, and governmental structures. As men and women resisted against the changes in the government power and cultural reforms, a lot of revolutionary agitation and conflict is created. (This plays a factor into why the revolutions occurred). The American Revolution, 1775-1800 After the Proclamation line of 1763 and other unwanted taxes that were imposed, the American Revolution took place and gave America its freedom. Newly independent, America had created a constitution that created the most democratic government in the world, it still was very restrictive of who had certain rights. (Before the 1st section) In the British colonies of North America, there was an increase in colonial taxes in a clumsy effort to recover from war expenses. By the end of this revolution, religion had lost its authority in government as a result of the