1917 Russian Revolution Research Paper

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It is easy for one to say that the single biggest reason the Russian Revolution of 1917 occurred was due to Tsar Nicholas' poor country-managing skills; but that would actually only be scratching the surface. The Tsar was a horrible political leader- he left the country and left the "Mad Monk" Rasputin in charge of running the government and placed his wife, the Tsarina, in charge of controlling it all. However, Russia, as a super-power, was weak from the loss of the Crimean and World Wars (1). Governmental changes brought resistance to the Monarchy and the autocracy. The army abandoned the Tsar. Eventually, the Duma (parliament) abandoned the Tsar. While the Tsar wanted to enact change within his country, all he received, in the end, was a forced abdication. …show more content…

Mohandas K. Gandhi personally orchestrated three separate campaigns with the express purpose of achieving that freedom from a corrupt government: the Non Cooperation (1919-1922); the Civil Disobedience and Salt Satyagraha (1930-1931); and the Quit India movement (1940-942). Each of these orchestrated campaigns had freedom from tyranny as the ultimate goal. Through public speeches and peaceable protesting; mass petitions; delegates representing against the government initiative; public acts; theater; political mourning, and ostracism; Gandhi was able to recruit, organize, and enact change within the Indian government. The Non Cooperation movement covered everything from social ostracism to political ostracism. The Civil Disobedience and Salt Satyagraha saw acts of defiance against arbitrary rules and tax hikes. This is especially significant due to Gandhi's movement seeing the Indian people swarm the shoreline to mine for salt against the expressly written rule of doing so (Anderson,