
1920s Fashion Research Paper

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Following the First World War, women’s fashion in the early 1920s experienced dramatic changes. The time period was referred to as the “roaring 20s,” or the era of the “flapper.” The demise of bustles and corsets gave clothing designers a lot more freedom of expression than they previously had, which led to new innovative styles. Women dressing in new and colorful fabrics reflected the joy felt by a war weary population following the end of tragedy. The demand for dresses increased in the 1920s due to the decline of purchase costs, and clothing styles for women and children changed dramatically. 1920s dresses were lighter, brighter and shorter than ever before. Fashion designers played with fabric patterns, colors and textures to create totally …show more content…

The use of cosmetics and perfumes escalated due to a massive advertising effort in newspapers, periodicals and radio. Since people during the interwar period wanted to educate themselves and make their families’ lives better, correspondence schools became extremely popular. Many women turned to fashion to earn extra income to be able to afford new luxuries, or in order to support their fatherless families in the case of war widows. As mass production of clothing became more common, working women took advantage of the relatively inexpensive ready-made …show more content…

She set the stage for modern fashion by creating a brand awareness, a signature style, and a social buzz around herself like no one had ever done before. Her spirit sums up the essence of the 1920s. The French designer became one of the first designers to create a ‘looser’ style of clothing for women, and somehow managed to change fashion forever. One of the main looks of the 1920s was ‘flapper fashion,’ and it was famous for its androgynous appearance. Coco contributed to this look by taking inspiration from men’s clothing such as sailor suits and turning them into something sophisticated and chic. She used masculine materials and ignored the previous structure of the corset to create pieces with boyish charm. Her signature row of pearls helped to maintain the elegant look the women of the 1920s longed for. Her costume designs were showcased in theater and Hollywood films, and she inspired the people of America. Some of Chanel’s more famous pieces include her little black dress and the quilted handbag, which can still be still be found in stores

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