1930s Public Education

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Sydney Volmert Mrs. Lieb English 9 6 March 2024 Public Education in the 1930s Primary Schools, High Schools, and Universities all fed into rebuilding the Public Education System. The system needed to be rebuilt because segregation was raging. Another issue during this time was the Great Depression which resulted in very poor families, because there were not any available jobs, leaving most unemployed. Public Education was important to all people because every person wanted a good education, that they could then apply to their lives. Society reworked every stage of public education in the 1930s. Categories including race, class size, and gender revised for Primary Schools. Before the Great Depression, several schools had class sizes of 40 and upwards. …show more content…

If circumstances got too out of hand, the consequences would be elevated to spanking the child with a broom, paddle, or belt. Luckily, this is not a very common occurrence (Vasut). It was a very satisfactory event that High Schools were transformed by classes, teacher life, and discipline. Sickness, Radio Schooling, and Black Education all led to helping revolutionize universities. Diseases such as scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria, and influenza were all sicknesses contracted by students at schools. Some of these scholars got so sick that they couldn't come back to school. Schools were delayed for 3 weeks until they realized things were not getting better. After everyone was sent home from university, radio school was implemented. This type of schooling is a form of virtual school. Over 315,000 children actually use this form of education. 7 stations donated their air time for these schools, and newspaper companies printed out the class schedule for the day for free. Since classes only lasted for 15 minutes, children had quite a bit of time to play or work. The sickness problem was solved, but education for blacks was