
1984 Reality Essay

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Is George Orwell’s novel 1984, becoming a reality? In the novel 1984, the citizens of Oceania go through daily struggles with having to live with their government’s rules. A strong leader of their government is Big Brother. Big Brother is the head of Oceania and every person living in Oceania listens to him and abides by him. One issue they have is constantly being watched and listened to through telescreens. A telescreen is a screen in every room, house, or building that can see everything and watch and listens to everything they say. There are also hidden microphones all around town. Although our world is not as strict, we have similar technology. For example, we have surveillance cameras all around us constantly filming. Businesses, cars, …show more content…

Although our situations aren’t as severe as what citizens of Oceania go through, they are similar. Surveillance cameras are being put everywhere now. Our technology is constantly becoming more advanced which is causing children to be immune to those advances. Children can now talk to whoever and believe they are friends with them which causes kids to tell strangers facts and information about them. On some social media websites like Instagram and TikTok you can join stranges lives shows and anyone can watch them. Children may join one thinking it's someone they know and have thousands of people watch and follow …show more content…

An example from allaboutcookies.org written by Juliana Kenny talked about how our phones are listening to us. In Winston's world, he has telescreens with hidden microphones. Although our phones don’t watch like telescreens it seems as if they are listening to us, We feel this because we could be having a conversation with someone face to face, and a little bit later we would get an ad or see an ad about that product on our phones. Another article I read written by abllidon.com by Jordan Layne, explained surveillance cameras and why people are fearful of them. The article talked about the “Big Brother” effect which means like the people of Oceania are scared to do anything and feel the pressure of being watched people in our world are feeling that same pressure. People have said they feel paranoid and feel like it is an invasion of privacy. Another way we are moving closer to Winston’s world is our government and their government have similarities. Although we have freedom unlike Winston our government still lies and tells us disinformation like Winston's. An article by .state.gov gives us examples of when our government had given us disinformation. Our government doesn’t tell us lies they just don’t inform us for example during covid our government wouldn’t tell us about how bad covid was or how many people were

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