1984 Technology Essay

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George Orwell was the writer of 1984, in this novel he represents a society that all the people were control by the government all the time and have no freedoms or it called totalitarian society that ruled by Big Brother. In novel 1984 people were watching by the telescreen and hidden microphones all the time. It not different from society today that some places have the camera to watching the people activities. In novel 1984, Orwell was mentioning about the technology that controls everyone life, camera and telescreen and the hidden microphones that watching them all the time and all the information about them are all on the computer. In the novel, telescreen is the device that looks like the television but it also the cameras and hidden microphone. …show more content…

We cannot imagine how life goes without phone, television and internet. Although, technology that we use to make life easier, it is start to control us as well. Every day we are using our device to make a call or connected to the people that far away from us. On the other hand, technology has made our lives easier to control. We can quickly access anything we need to know at any time by the Internet. Moreover, one of the most considerable issues that technology has had today is communication system. A lots of different social networks such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, WeChat and other more, have made contacts easier and faster. But the data or our information were control by the computer or company. We can say that everything was control by the computer that day, it likes when you go to one event you have to register on the link and in the link they want your phone number, email and address. Although, everything was control by the computer but it cannot know about the people activity so they create the camera to follow people activity. In fact, digital devices like camera have control people a lot. Moreover, people today always grabbing them phone first when they are wakeup, they have to check their Email, Facebook, and the Messages before they can do anything else. Everyday activity always with phone, they can play their phone while they are walking, eating, and not except when they are driving. In other words, people