Turning Point Of The Game Of Soccer Essay

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As a result, the game remained basically rough, aggressive and disorganised. A change did not eminent up until the start of the 19th century when school football became the tradition, particularly in the well-known public schools. This was the turning point of the game called soccer. In this new atmosphere, it was likely to make improvements and modifications to the game.
Because there were no governing body at that time to modify the rules, they were relatively free and easy as there were no standard. All the school had their own game setting and rules as they want it which varied considerably. The conventional aspects of the game was maintained but modernization depended for the most part on the playing ground available. If for instance the only paved round that is available in the school had to be used for other function, then soccer will not have a place as it was seen as a mob game. As a result of the concept of …show more content…

The discussion was thorough and more meetings were held to solve it but the Rugby team could not accept the removal of handling the ball and the finally left on 8 December. They were advocating that the following should not be forbidden tripping, shin-kicking and carrying the ball. A juncture had been reached where the principles were no longer like-minded. and on the 8 December 1863, football and rugby finally divide. Their disconnection became totally incompatible six years on when the aspect of handling the ball was added to carrying the ball. The membership of the Football Association increased to 50 members just 8 years after its formation. The first completion on Football was held in the same year, which was the FA cup. This cup preceded the League Championship by 17 years.
International competitions were being held in Great Britain before football had barely been heard of in Europe. The first game that was played in 1872 was a match