3.5 Types Of Schizophrenia Essay

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3.2 forms of schizophrenia
There are five types of schizophrenia:

1. The paranoid type [Greek. Paranoia: Madness]

Patients of this type are usually more intelligent than all the other schizophrenics. They are very suspicious of others. They tend to make misinterpretation of things and events in a way that it would hurt them. The patient perceives a negative and anxious view on everything in his daily life.
Delusions (paranoia and megalomania) are more common than in the other forms.

2. The Disorganized type [Greek. / Latin. Hebephrenic: puberty madness]

This type may experience a paranoid phase. Thinking is mostly logical, but often rambling and confused, For example smiling in inappropriate situations.

The delusions of hebephrenic are physical; they often think that the body is injured or impaired. For example the patient believes his brain has melted or his heart has changed the position.

3. The catatonic type [Greek. / Latin. Catatonia: voltage madness]

This type occurs less frequently today than in the past. Seclusion and immobility are the main symptoms; the patient moves and behaves like a ‘statue’. He cannot move, not because he is paralyzed, but because his ability to command his limps is disrupted. The patient is able to spend hours stuck in one position (= waxy flexibility).

Sometimes the patient is very obedient and …show more content…

However, the involvement of family and social factors in the causation of schizophrenia was scientifically not being occupied. One cannot be blame for the illness. It is true that the type of communication in the family can affect the course of the illness. Also Critical life events (change of location, new partnership / separation, changing jobs / job loss) do not belong to the actual risk factors, however, they can reinforce the schizophrenic signs or favor a