5 And 5 Group Observation Report

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My first objective was to observe and possibly lead weekly 5&5 groups and get feedback from the supervisors. Having the opportunity in leading 5&5 has been an incredible experience. During 5&5 groups the residents sit down at five-o-clock and write for a half an hour they write five; things they are grateful, feelings, things what they are working on, and affirmations. When it is five-thirty I begin group by asking who would like to start sharing their 5&5s. When the first person begins, they share what they are grateful for, feelings, and go down the list. Then its goes to the next person, down the line of women. When I first observed one of the staff members doing 5&5 it gave me a good example on how to respond effectively to the residents. When I got the opportunity to do 5&5 more then once, it gave me time to improve in ways to respond in different ways. The most constructive way in responding back to the residents is paraphrasing back what they said with open-ended questions. I also try to respond back with a positive reply in a question form, especially when one of the women shares a negative feeling that they experiencing. Each time I have gotten the opportunity in doing 5&5 group, I try to respond back to each person to really show that I am actively listen to them. …show more content…

I’m learning so much about the field, how the staff works, and what the environment can be like at a treatment facility only working with women. I actually don’t have recommendations or any specific changes in this course. Assigned to do four hours of seminars was so informative, updating my resume, and then writing a report about the internship experience is very valuable. It has helped me understand and it has painted me a picture of what my future career might be like working in this field. I know there is so much more to learn, but this was an amazing place to