540, Willy-Nilly By Cynthia Voigt

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The novel Izzy, Willy-Nilly by Cynthia Voigt gives clear insight on the life of a girl after a tragic accident and how she perseveres through it. In the novel, the main character Izzy was in a car accident which lead to the loss of her leg. Izzy was very depressed by this, but with the help of her family and new friend Rosamunde she got through it. In Cynthia Voigt's Izzy, Willy- NIlly Izzy's life changes tremendously. Izzy deals with the change by changing her attitude and emotions, making her weaknesses strengths, her strengths stronger, and by learning about herself and the world around her. Izzy's life changed drastically after the accident, physically and mentally. One of the biggest changes that Izzy faces is the loss of her leg. …show more content…

Judging people is one of Izzy's weaknesses. Izzy comes from a very wealthy family and she is a very pretty girl, so when she sees people that differ from her she picks out all the negative differences. Izzy even mentioned once in chapter 7, that the only attractive thing about Rosamunde was her voice. This of course was said before she really got to know and befriend Rosamunde. Izzy has many other weaknesses, including a physical one. The loss of Izzy's right leg is somewhat of a weakness. Since Izzy will never be able to walk normally again she had to learn how to walk with crutches and how to operate a wheelchair. When Izzy returned to school she struggled with walking with her crutches, which made her very embarrassed and insecure. For example, in chapter 20, Izzy fell flat on her face in the middle of the hallway because her crutch slipped out beneath her. Izzy has weaknesses like everyone, but also strengths. Izzy has many strengths. One of those strengths being her kindness. She was always known for being the nicest of all her friends. Lisa, one of Izzy's friends, once told her “I really admire you. Here this thing has happened and you haven't changed at all, you're just as nice as before. I really admire you” (256). Just like every single person, Izzy clearly has both strengths and