7 Signs Of A Great Attitude Summary

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1. What are the 7 signs of a great attitude? The most successful tool in the search for happiness is a positive outlook on life. If one cannot overcome external circumstances, then the internal state and the mood is something that is in our power. That is why, the first key to success is nothing else but the positivity. But the positivity is a well known fact. However, the author continues this idea and highlights the seven signs of a great attitude. John Maxwell starts with self-belief. No matter who believes in you, without the belief in self you cannot be successful, because you will be over distracted from the purpose by odd thoughts about the necessity of the goals, how people view you, etc. Next, willingness to see the best in others …show more content…

Maxwell provides his image of a leader with a certain list of qualities he ranked from the most important to the least. The first and foremost is the ability to make things happen, which is talent to find opportunities and make then true in spite of anything. The leader differs from other by seeing and seizing the opportunities before they are obvious. Strong people can influence others, who are weaker, equal, stronger, and ultimately everyone. Leaders surround themselves by such people who add value to them. On the road to success, it is not enough to be the leader and to have the followers; the leader must attract other leaders. Then together, they can share their thoughts and experience to equip others. When the leader and his surrounding provide inspiring ideas and share then, everyone has much more chances to make them true. The author claims that positive attitude is the trait of the leader; however, the leader possesses uncommonly positive attitudes of the surrounding, they multiply his potential, when negative attitude becomes a drag on the way to success. When leaders live up to their commitments and people who they lead do the same, they are bound to be successful. Moreover, in the search for leaders, if one does not have loyalty, it is better to do without this