9/11 Failure Essay

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On the morning of 9//11 arguably one of the worst day in American history, 19 members of Al Quiada had hijacked 4 U.S airplanes and aimed to use them to harm the american people. This attack was well planned and executed but, it was very much preventable. If the right intelligence and communication were made between agencies about these men, the terrorist act could have been prevented or minimized.

Some of the terrorist were even selected by CAPPS, CAPPS was created to Identify passenger that should be subjected to special security measures, the only security measure that is take for people that are selected by CAPPS are their bags are helds off until the person is on the plane.(911COM)This was not the only terrorist to be selected by CAPPS that day, 10 others were selected and nothing was done(911COM). The other security measures or checkpoints that …show more content…

Between the FBI and the CIA we had the knowledge of a possible large scale attack against the U.S. We also had the names of the men who were possibly affiliated with Al Qaeda. The C.I.A. was aware that these men were located in the U.S., unfortunately the C.I.A. did not put these men on the no-fly lists or the terrorist watch …show more content…

The commission realized that the military, CIA and the FBI were not well equipped to confront this enemy. This enemy was one that they haven’t seen before it wasn’t an arm that we were fighting it was a radical ideology based off of Islamic belief. Thus, we had to redefine certain elements to fight this type of terrorism. For instance, foreign aid, public diplomacy, economic policy and homeland defense.(FBI). The Commission had configured a list of recommendations to properly inform and organize against terrorist or foreign

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