9/11 Heroism Analysis

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To evaluate the emphasis on heroism following the terrorist attacks on 9/11, as discussed by Hauerwas, Williams and Forrester, we must first discuss the rationale in promoting great bravery. Simplified; a hero is someone who acts altruistically and carries out actions selflessly and out of loving kindness because it’s the right thing to do, without any regard for personal reward in his or her charity. Furthermore, heroism can be attributed to the firefighters who were willing to give up their lives to save others. The extent to which emphasis on this principle can be defended as helpful has long been debated throughout history, with prominent theologians such as Hauerwas suggesting it could be problematic. The ultimate purpose of this essay is to examine Williams and Forrester’s viewpoints while equally addressing concerns raised by fellow academics. During this discussion, the essay will be concentrating on three factors: Firstly, Hauerwas claims that overly idealised heroism can wrongfully create an incentive for war. Secondly, Williams argues that focusing on acts of heroism allows the world …show more content…

Accordingly, then, while the scope was much larger, that does not necessarily make 9/11 an act of war. Contending that what happened was rather murder, Lincoln supports Hauerwas and deemed it immoral for Bush to have treated it as an act of war. Therefore, we can see how the emphasis on heroism to fight this demonic evil can actually work against people in many ways as it causes this overreaction. Ultimately, we are left to wonder whether war, that subsequently means America would not have the time to worry about the social balance of its nation, or lack thereof, justifies the excuse of fighting for the heroism shown by the responders that sacrificed their lives for