9/11 Short Stories

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I awake to my mother, the queen, screaming at me. She yells constantly and it drives minsane. I decide that I should at least try and reason with her today. So I crawl out of my uncomfortable bed to deal with her. When I walk in she’s giving me an evil glare, but still giving a nasty grin. It’s odd, but normal for her. “Great, you’re finally up, princess.” She snarls.

“What are you wanting now, madam?” I ask, trying to sound polite so I won’t irritate her. She throws me a letter and sighs.
“I found this in your room from the prince while you were asleep.”
“Yes, we write each other.” I reason.
“He sounds as if, he’s in love with you. I find that impossible to do.” She rolls her eyes and walks closer to me.
“I’m sending you into the woods, so that you can rethink this through.” She tells me, still grinning at me. …show more content…

“I hope you know that no one will ever love you, and that you’re not allowed to be with him. And until you realize this, Snow White, you are not allowed to come back.” She laughs a little. “You will be staying with seven dwarfs. You can find them yourself, now go pack.”

And with that I get up and grab a small bag to pack. I pack my spell book, and my necessities. I have plans for the spell book, they’re big ones. My whole life the queen would force me to clean and tend to her every needs. “Oh, and Snow White,” she walks in my room, “We shall meet in two days to discuss this.”

I agree and I run to the woods to find the dwarfs. Once I meet them I tell them my story and they agree to help. “All my life, the queen has put me down. This will be the last time, I’m going to stay strong.” Then I bake an apple pie, her favorite, but I put a spell on the apples to make them