A Brief Comparison Of Two Articles

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The two articles I read about ObamaCare, A Brief History of ObamaCare Disaster and The Great Exchange War of 2013, both discussed the issues of ObamaCare. However, the articles differed in their opinions, facts, and the messages they conveyed to the reader. The articles had contradicting opinions about ObamaCare, and when comparing and contrasting the two articles, I focused on the appeals, objectivity, and the authority of the author to determine whether or not the articles were valid sources. Article one, A Brief History of ObamaCare Disaster, contains a great deal of logos and a fair bit of pathos. Article one discusses the negative side of ObamaCare, and presents the reader with facts on the various ways ObamaCare has negatively impacted …show more content…

The author of article two also provides facts and logic on the subject of ObamaCare, much like the author of article one, however, the article takes a different stance on the subject. The author of article two focuses more on discussing the topic and informing the reader than explaining one side of the subject. Article two also uses pathos to appeal to any type of reader and not just liberals or conservatives. The article provides the positive and the negative facts so that both parties are able to appeal to the article in some sort of way. The author made sure to educate the reader about the subject and leave it at …show more content…

The author provides an extensive amount of information for the reader to form an educated opinion on the Obamacare, however, the information is biased. The reader is influenced by what the author is saying, and is not able to form his or her own opinion on the matter. The author discusses one point of view on the topic to explain and dispute, and he or she refrains from providing information about the other point of view. As a result, this article is not able to be used as an educational resource, but as a resource for a compare and contrast essay or a persuasive paper. On the other hand, article two contains a great deal of objectivity. While providing facts about ObamaCare, the author remains unbiased and professional. Throughout the article, the author simply states facts and refrains from putting in his or her own opinion. The author provides both sides of the argument and allows the reader to form his or her own opinion on the matter. This article does not contain any biased information, therefore this source would be an acceptable source to use for educational