
A Brief Note On Federal Rules And Regulations

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1. Federal agencies and departments are deeply involved in the take-out and frozen pizza I eat. Each agency and/or department must approve of the ingredients, packaging, and delivery vehicle for my pizza, and must make sure that each of these components complies with federal guidelines. The standards that each of these agencies and departments set must be met.

2. A) What are the advantages and disadvantages to consumers of pizza (like you) of federal rules and regulations?
An advantage to consumers of pizza regarding federal rules and regulations is that each of the components of the pizza are thoroughly inspected and must meet strict guidelines, which ensures that we are eating food that is deemed safe to consume. A disadvantage to consumers of pizza of federal rules and regulations is that the bureaucracy does not always function …show more content…

Consumers want to eat at restaurants where the food is safe to consume and that is clean. Having to follow these strict guidelines encourages businesses to produce higher quality food with higher quality ingredients. Another advantage is that these pizza businesses actually have customers. Without these standards, people would not be as keen about eating at pizza restaurants. Knowing that these businesses must comply with such strict rules and regulations helps to ensure that the food a customer is eating is safe. However, if a pizza business violates one of these strict rules and regulations, then their business is in danger and the owners could face serious fines. If a business fails to meet various standards, then the business could be shut down. The owners of this particular pizza business could then fall into economic despair. A pizza business also has to spend more money on products that meet federal standards, and must make sure that they are always meeting the federal

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