Social Work Career Essay

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Social work is profession that involves being the hands in feet of Jesus for people who are hurting, and have struggles affecting their entire life. It can be a difficult profession because the clients you will have to communicate with will be hurting, and looking to the social worker for help. Our society is hurting, and in need of people who will advocate, and promote change. However, social work is an important career, and I believe I have been called to pursue this career. I know that there will be difficulties but I am confident that God will lead me and guide me within this career. Rosebud, South Dakota has a special part of my heart. I have had the opportunity to go to the Indian Reservation. These trips have opened my eyes, and changed my heart. I was not aware of the hurt and poverty that was only a few hours away from my hometown. Every summer, for the past five years, I have had to the opportunity to go to Rosebud for a week. During this time, I have had helped lead a …show more content…

The transition out of your own home and into a different facility can be difficult for both the resident and the family, which I was not aware of until this job. This job has also shown me specific problems that the elderly may deal with, such as depression and anxiety. These opportunities have given me an interest in social work, which is why I have decided to study social work in college. Dordt College has also showed me the importance of being a Christian social worker. Throughout a person’s life they will experience pain, and hurt, however, the way people handle these situations vary. As a social worker I will not be able to solve the problems of my clients but I will have the opportunity to help. Being a Christian social worker will allow me to turn to the Bible, and to prayer when I need direction and guidance in order to help my

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