A Comparison Of Sarniento And El Lazarillo De Tormes

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The readings that I choose to compare for this research paper was: El Periquillo Sarniento and El Lazarillo de Tormes which both reflected how in two different eras and countries we have some similarities, in the Mexican and Spanish society. The two societies of these eras were the cause the picaresque appeared. It is known that literature has heroes and antiheroes. In the Hispanic literature there is a special kind of antihero called ‘el pícaro’ which is a poor and humble boy. Since he is poor, his life is a continual struggle. Most of the time, the author of the Picaresque novel writes the story to critique the social issues of the time, which there is some of them that we be compared from both stories. The authors express his feelings this we can perhaps point out when observing the satire he makes of his time showing his dissatisfaction with society. In this essay we are going to compare the two stories from these authors and get to know the social, religious and moral aspects and some differences and similarities from each one and how they can be related to the this time. El Periquillo Sarniento is a picaresque novel from the Mexican author Fernandez de Lizardi. El Periquillo …show more content…

The people viewed the conquests of Spain as a possible way out of the poverty that dominated Spain. In Mexico, churches continued to dominate Mexican land and money. In these two works you can clearly see two societies dominated by rogues. The streets of Spain, like those of Mexico, were fulled of people who lying and giving false remedies earned something to put in their mouths; not only the streets, but also in the churches, the boarders invented excuses and took refuge in the consciences of the people to have something that would benefit them, it is seen how the clergy could be "grabbed" or "don Juanes," according to Lázaro, they linked more than many