A Comparison Of Two State Solutions To The Arab Israeli Conflict

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Over the years, A two state solution to the Arab Israeli Conflict has been debated, and Israel and Palestinian majorities have been in favor of it. However it is not that simple, there are many factors that play into this conflict. For example, the borders and who would control jerusalem are very difficult decisions to make. The israelis and palestinians want the same thing, which makes it harder to negotiate and come up with a compromise. A two state solution refers to a solution of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict which calls for two different states for two different groups of people. The two-state solution results in an independent State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel. The holocaust was the very beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict because it caused many jews to flee to Palestine. The jews slowly took over the palestinian land and the Palestinians are fighting for their state back from the jewish people. The UN partition plan offered about half of the land to the arabs and half of it to the jews. Interestingly, the jews are now okay with receiving less land than in the partition plan because they just want at least a little land and for the …show more content…

For example, certain jewish citizens will only accept a solution in which jews own all of the land and the Palestinians don’t get any land. These jews believe they have the right to the land because according to the bible, israel is located on land that was originally their homeland and is promised to the jews. Others are okay with the two state solution as long as jews get to occupy all of Jerusalem. This can be complicated because both sides want Jerusalem, and they do not like to share. Other israelis argue that since jordan exists as a state for palestinians they do not need a second state. This is a good argument because the israelis are a stateless