Similarities Between Palestinians And Israel

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One reason why this would work is the Palestinians and Israeli would both get the land that they have deserved, and have been promised. For example, from 1922-1948 the British controlled the of Jerusalem, the sacred land to both the Muslims and the Jews. Shortly after the British gave up power over Jerusalem in 1948 the British promised the Palestinians that Jerusalem will be theirs to control. Also this land symbolizes the Muslim faith, because this is where the “Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven”(Lisa Katz). This evidence here proves that the Jews can not deny the Palestinians the land the British gave to them, and also this is a place that symbolizes the Muslim faith. Although this land is where the prophet Abraham passed God’s “test of faith” on Mount Moriah. This place symbolizes the Jews “supreme embodiment with God”(Lisa Katz). That’s why the Muslim’s can not deny the land of Jerusalem from the Jews because it …show more content…

For example, (Muammar Qaddafi) said that, “it is no longer acceptable to throw the Jews into the sea.” The Jewish people have rights just like everyone else, so a one state solution would give the Jews somewhere to live without the fear of attack from the neighboring countries demanding more land like the Palestinians did when they divided Jerusalem in 2000. Also this solution will guarantee the Palestinians a safe homeland. For example the original state was called Palestine, and the Palestinians controlled it. Then the Israeli took over forcing a majority of the Palestinians to neighboring countries and out of their main country. Not only will this solution benefit the Jewish people a safe place to live, but also the Palestinians a safe place to live. This solution would give people the safety and insurance that they deserve, and there will be a place for everyone. This would be the most beneficial because the knowledge that your home is safe is the most satisfying thing in the