
Palestine Vs Israel Compare And Contrast

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Israel V.S. Palestine For years there has been a lot of tension between Israel and Palestine, primarily over territory and who the land rightfully belongs to. Originally the land was referred to as Palestine, made up of roughly an eighty-six percent Muslim, ten percent Christian, and a four percent Jewish population, all living amongst one another peacefully (Zach Beauchamp, 2014). But due to the actions of the UN and with support from the United States, Israel has been able to expand its boarders and consume nearly all of Palestinian land, leaving close to one million Palestinians as refugees. This extreme oppression of the Palestinians has led to an uncontrollable chaos between the two groups. Although there may have been some strategic …show more content…

Although outnumbered by Arabs, Israel received the lion’s share of the once Arab state. Against principal, the UN decided to award Israel with a fifty-five percent share of the available land. This confined seventy percent of the total population to only forty-five percent of the original land. However, Israel did not stop here, they wanted more. They continued to expand their borders throughout 1949 by invading Arab territories and taking control of the former Palestinian land. Nearly every battle was fought on what was considered Palestinian land at the time. By the end of the war in 1949, Israel controlled about seventy-eight percent of the land, resulting in three-quarters of a million Palestinian refugees. Israel has since continued to expand, pushing the Palestinians border back more and more, forcing them out of their homeland. Currently Israel controls nearly one-hundred percent of what was once considered to be Palestine, while Palestinians are now confined to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Many Islamic extremist groups have cultivated due to these conditions. Not hard to believe considering Israel is virtually erasing Palestinian existence. If Israel where able to share the land with Palestine, it seems likely that fewer extremist groups would …show more content…

The group has been around formally since 1963, and has since grown to be one of the most powerful lobbying groups in U.S. Their sole mission is to, “strengthen, protect and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of Israel and the United States” (AIPAC, 2013). This group has successfully generated huge amounts of support among the American voters, and are the primary reason why Israel is able to thrive. AIPAC insists that U.S. security is directly dependent on Israeli support and security (Fredreka Schouten, 2015). Although they believe that the U.S. needs Israel in order to combat terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, it is more likely that these groups would not have formed in the first place, if not for being forced out of their

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