A Critical Analysis Of A Qualitative Summary

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Critical Analysis Of The Qualitative Research Article
Critical analysis of the research article implies a thorough evaluation of the chosen methodology, strengths and limitations of the study and the significance of findings in order to determine the value of the study for the nursing practice (Loiselle, 2011). Nursing students and practicing nurses, as consumers of the research, have the required clinical knowledge and skills for critical appraisal of the health care research articles. This paper aims to critique the research article “Study of irritable bowel syndrome and co-existing psychological illness” by Dainty (ADD), Allcock, & Cooper, (2014) for appropriateness of the research methodology, study population, ethical issues, research finding, limitations and implications for nursing practice and further nursing research.
The purpose of the research study was to assess the feasibility of using qualitative research method in exploring psychological issues associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (Dainty …show more content…

According to Dainty et al. (2014), the research question was aimed to answer whether the proposed qualitative method can be used in larger studies on the patients’ experiences of living with IBS combined with a psychological disorder. As the research purpose and question imply, the qualitative research method was used, and the use of this method was appropriate because the literature review identified only small number of studies on exploring the living experiences of participants with IBS associated with psychological disorders (Dainty et al., 2014). The qualitative research method is used when there is little information available from the literature and deeper knowledge is required in order to better understand and interpret the phenomenon, and, possibly, generate the hypothesis for qualitative research (Loiselle, 2011). Moreover,

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