A Fortiori Argument For The Hypostatic Union

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The Mixed-Genre Format and Jesus’ A Fortiori Argument for the Hypostatic Union With the definition of the excerpt’s genre as a Miracle Story and Witness Story, as well as its historical/occasional background having properly been established, the further examination of the literary forms in the Gospel’s Miracle Story/Witness Story aspects of the passage can be now fully appreciated. The Miracle Story narrated in the Passage of the Paralyzed Man is more than a feel-good account of a man who was healed by his faith, as well as the faith of his friends. Rather--as pointed out by Jesus himself to the Pharisees and the teachers of the law--it is proof that as both Man and God in one, Jesus has the authority vested in him as that of God Himself (i.e. proof of the Hypostatic Union--the divinity and humanity of Christ in one individual existence). …show more content…

Upon bearing witness to this scene, “Jesus saw their faith, [and] said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven” (New International Bible, Luke 5:20). Upon sensing the resentful thoughts of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Jesus did not fall prey to their negativity, and instead, devised a logical theorem by which to make themselves question their preconceived notions of him, and to give a glimpse to his divinity in the audience of