
A Khaldunite's Thoughts On The Biblical Story Of Noah

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Draven Museus World History 1 HST 1304-01 A Khaldunite’s Thoughts on the Biblical Story of Noah The book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, tells what Christians believe to be the story of creation and the first generations of people. Chapters six through nine of Genesis tell the story of Noah and his covenant with Yahweh. Noah was considered to be “a righteous man, blameless in his generation” and found favor with Yahweh. Noah’s story begins with Yahweh observing the wickedness of mankind and regretting his decision to create them in the first place. In his regret, he decides to wipe humanity from the Earth. Among the sinners of that generation, a man named Noah manages to find favor with Yahweh, walking with him as a righteous man. Yahweh tells Noah of …show more content…

Noah does as he is told, and seven days later the rain comes and lasts for forty days, flooding the planet. The flood lasts for 150 days past the rain’s end, then begins to subside. During this time, Noah sends a raven and dove out from the ark to see if there is yet any land. This proves fruitless at first, though the dove eventually returns with a freshly plucked olive leaf, and on the following attempt the dove doesn’t return. After the waters of the flood dry up, Yahweh speaks to Noah once more and tells him to go forth with his family and the animals and repopulate the lands. Once everything vacates the ark, Noah builds an altar and burns offerings of every clean animal and bird. This pleases Yahweh, who says he will never again destroy every living creature as he just had. Noah goes on to till the land and plant a vineyard, eventually drinking of its wine and falling asleep naked in his tent. Ham, his youngest son, enters the tent

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