A Man Called Ove Essay

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“A Man Called Ove” The book, “A Man Called Ove” by Fredrick Backman illustrates the life of a stubborn man who has a harsh first impression, but with composure and acceptance will show the true side of Ove, big hearted. Cultural differences illustrated throughout the book compare closely to the life in America, a variety of character personalities creates a diverse story, and themes shown throughout the book that carry out to the end. There were many small cultural differences shown throughout the book, but there were three major ones that stood out to the reader; the way the neighborhoods were arranged, the type of currency, and how citizens were required to pay for parking. The setting of the book takes place in Sweden in a small town …show more content…

One character that the reader appreciated was, Ove, he is the main character of the story and walks through his life through the timeframe of the story. He comes across being a stubborn man who has the mentality of “his way or no way”, and this sometimes causes others to dislike him. At the beginning of the story Ove experiences his mailbox being ran over by his new neighbors. From the harsh conversation to the never-ending encounters with Ove, the family creates a special bond. At the beginning of the story the family brings over food for Ove; when Ove received this he didn’t want to accept it, because he thought that they were just being annoying. As the story went on Ove started warm up and did some favors for the family, such as, bringing Patrick, the husband of the family, to the hospital after he fell off the roof. At the end of the story, Ove and the little neighbor girl began a special bond. “Ove here just wants to check out an iPad—can you sort us out?” (CITE!!!!). Ove bought her an iPad for her birthday. “ This just shows the personality Ove has, very stubborn and holds his ground, but can have a heart when others take time to get to know him. Another character that had a major role in the story was Paravaneh; she was a young mother of two, soon to be three, who had kind heart. She showed throughout the book that she is innocent, and would never want to