A Midsummer Night's Dream Research Paper

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A Midsummer’s Night Dream

One of Shakespeare’s best plays ever written. There are some from the Globe, The Swan, and

other theaters from his time. The play A MidSummer Night’s Dream is funny, classic, and has

anger in the play. Love is so powerful that some people are willing to give up everything and

anything up for it. Shakespeare thought that love was weakness. Titania and Oberon make each other mad

but, they still love each other. They go into the forest and Titania falls in love with a ugly guy, and

Oberon wakes her from the spell that made her fall in love in the first place.

Love is so powerful that some people would give up their dignity for it. According to

William Shakespeare in A MidSummer Night’s Dream. “O that your frowns would teach my …show more content…

18 line 214) Helena wants

Demeter as her husband, but he does not love her. Demeter loves Hermia yet, she loves

Lysander. Helena would follow Demetrius and make a bad situation good. Eeven though she

smiled at him and loved him, he frowned at her and did not lover her back.

In this play Shakespeare wrote about how love can cause you to do any action.

Love can require us to make irrational decisions. Love can make people very jealous. Love is a

very strong force that isn’t easily broken. It connects because anyone will do anything for love.

People who get frowned at by their crushes will still try to smile back.

Love is powerful and strong. It is not easily broken. People that don’t get love back from

their crushes will still try because it is worth it. Love can tear a couple apart or it can lead them

together. In the beginning, Egeus wants Hermia to marry Demetrius. But, Hermia wants to marry

Lysander and Helena wants to marry Demetrius.

“I do not know what power I have become so bold, or how it may affect my modesty to

plead my views here.” --(Hermia pg. 9 line 60-65) Egeus is tearing Hermia and Lysander