
A Review Of Australia's Parents Perception Of Unhealthy Food To Children

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Food marketing directed to children is recognized as a key factor that help contributes to children’s food preferences, their food purchasing behavior and their food consumption. (Sonia, 2014)With almost one in four Australian children either overweight or obese, the marketing of unhealthy food to children is an issue of public health importance and hopes to alert Australian especially the government, parents and the children food industry pay attention on this serious problem and try to decrease the unhealthy social phenomenon.
This survey aims is to determine Australia’s parents' attitudes and awareness of children food marketing to their children and make a public opinion to exert a strong pressure to the children food industry …show more content…

The CITA is a structured system of micro data collection through using telephone that helps to speed up the efficiencies about the collection and editing of micro data and also permits the interviewer to educate the respondents on the importance of timely and accurate data. (United States Department of Labor, 2008) The software is able to customize the flow of the survey questionnaire based on the answers provided, as well as information already known about the participant. And this application always applies on B2B services and corporate sales. The Computer-assisted telephone interviewing is operated by the following manner: First, the trained interviewer siting in front of a computer screen which with the system then a computerized survey questionnaire is administered to respondents over the telephone. Third, according to the command, the system dials will call the chose telephone number. When there is success to contact, the interviewer reads the questions that posed on the computer screen and records the respondent's response directly into the computer. The survey reports can be compiled instantaneously when the data are being collected furthermore the CATI software has designed built-in logic which also increase the data accuracy and reliability. Moreover, the program …show more content…

And it can easily seek out the specific person in the household just few second. The system can let the organization certainty about whom they are talking to. Moreover, the most important thing is about the velocity of the research, CATI system data can be analyzed as it is collected and control over interview context and questioning. CATI system cost effective, especially for wide geographic population and also placing questions in an omnibus survey. The disadvantages of the method that is telephone survey just rely on fixed telephone landlines and the system suffered by the limited time to build rapport because the interviewer and the respondents are only communicate in a few minute that may makes a lot of misunderstand. Moreover, this method cannot respond to non-verbal signs such as emotions, gesture etc. The most important thing is the satisfying experience for the interviewee because of the interviewer attitude, the questionnaire designed, and time

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