
A Rhetorical Analysis Of A Marilyn Monroe Speech

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The speech I chose is one Marilyn Monroe gave circa 1960, the audience was not stated, appears to be given to her followers. This speech definitely hooks you with the first line of her speech “this life is what you make it.” With this statement, Marilyn clearly establishes the intent of the speech. Monroe's is very focused, telling her supporters about friends, lovers and keeping your head held high. Monroe's speech is very easy to follow, it flows from the start. Keeping her speech positive throughout and very truthful, I can almost envision her speaking in her bubbly voice. I am unsure of the amount of people she gave this speech to, but any speech given by Marilyn Monroe, I can only imagine the numbers who heard this positive message. Most likely a large number of American young …show more content…

The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them.” How true this statement is and one reason I love this speech so much. She goes on to say the same about lovers, which is beyond true, especially when she says that most of them will break your heart. At this point of the speech your hooked and have been from the beginning. The way her words flow, right into “but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your soul mate.” This hits home for me, although I have been married twice, I only met my soul mate two years ago. I did not give up, not only in love but life as well. This speech speaks to me, mainly because in this life I have endured more than I would like to remember. Monroe goes on to say “ Just because you fail once, doesn't mean your gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself,” this is her call-to-action, in my opinion. Believing in yourself is the most important thing in this life, as Monroe went on she says if you do not believe in yourself, who will. I can only imagine the impact of this speech for the era it was

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