
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Nike's Tiger Woods Ad

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Nike's 2006 ad, was Tiger Woods’ first ad with Nike. It starts off by showing children all playing golf. The children are all repeating the phrase “I am Tiger Woods”. There are many children practicing golf and walking around the golf course. When photos appear, they are in black and white, and very little about Nike’s golf products is shown in the ad. When Tiger Woods first became famous, he was one of the first non-white golfers to achieve that level of fame. In his World Golf Hall of Fame speech he explained “At some of these golf courses, I was not allowed in the clubhouses”. “the color of my skin dictated that”. Tiger Woods has become a role model for many golfers regardless of their race. The ads purpose is to depict Woods’ influence on the sport and put forth a …show more content…

By doing so, Nike is expanding their target audience to a larger customer base. Nike's choice to not specifically showcase their golf products in the advertisement builds an ethos for the audience, their goal is to use their credibility as a brand to persuade the audience. According to Lori Ostergaard’s “How Rhetoric Can Help Writers Reach and Influence Readers”, “Ethos is a Greek term that translates, roughly, as the writer’s authority, credibility, or character”. Nike doesn't start the ad by talking about golf club specs or the advantages of Nike golf clothing compared to competitions. The ad focuses on Woods’ character and credibility as a golfer, rather than advertising specific Nike merchandise. Nike assumes that the audience recognizes Tiger Woods and the Nike brand. There are a few glimpses of the Nike logo, one on Woods’ hat and another at the end with a Nike swoosh as the ad ends. Nike uses their credibility to sell products to anyone. A company that is not as well known as Nike would have to show their logo and merchandise more often to establish

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