A Rhetorical Analysis Of Victoria's Dirty Little Secret

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There are many ways that a message can be delivered. Unfortunately, a polite manner of speech is often ignored. Because of this, a more over the top approach is used to grab people’s attention. Some people will make such showy messages with little tact, there are those out there who are creative enough to present a clear message in a style that will shock people into confronting the truth of the message. Such is the case with Forest Ethics’ campaign to awaken the public regarding “Victoria’s Dirty Little Secret.” So, what is “Victoria’s Dirty Little Secret?” Victoria’s Secret, a lingerie company, broadcasts its stock by way of a large catalogue that archives the multitude of clothing items that they offer for sale. Of course, the catalogue is printed on paper, a great deal of paper, as there are literally tens of thousands of catalogues printed every year. The production of paper is dependent on the deforestation of rain forests. The determination of Forest Ethics’ ad campaign is to increase public awareness by shocking the public with the true facts as to the damage that the catalogue printing …show more content…

In other words, it is very clear in what it seeks to present. If there were to be a negative to the ad, it would be that the ad is a little but too expository in its design, but in the same way, ads targeting the cigarette makers were quite effective in relations of changing the public’s opinion about smoking, so perhaps an excessively expository message is not as bad as it would seem. The second part of the ad and its effectiveness is depending on the personal feelings of those who see the ad. In other words, there will be certain people who just don’t care about deforestation. There will be some people who will take the ad to heart. There will be some people that will follow its directions. So, to that degree, it can be a successful