A Thousand Splendid Suns Relationships

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In Khaled Hosseini novel A Thousand Splendid Suns, through the pivotal moments of Jalil not showing up, Rasheed making her eat rocks, and bonding with Laila and Aziza, Mariam develops from an oblivious child that was forced to grow up too fast to a caring woman in a bad situation demonstrating the overall theme that when you find your family and people to love it can change you for the better.
At the start of the novel, Mariam is treated very poorly by her mother Nana by making her do loads of chores without showing any appreciation or love towards her, while it upset Mariam and really pushes her away from Nana, Mariam seems to find these missing qualities of love and appreciation in Jalil until the day he was supposed to take her to the theater he didn’t show up, these events end up breaking Mariams heart making her resent Jalil for the rest of her life and making her realize what Nana was telling her for years that “You think you matter to him? you are nothing!” was true all along showing her obliviousness to the hope of finding love and family. …show more content…

there there” we find out later that all this was fake, a sort of persona to make Mariam believe he’s what she’s been looking for after Jalil failed that role. His false persona ultimately comes crashing down on her at the end of part one when he forces her to eat rocks after he didn’t like her food and Mariam “talks back” all of these things change her in a similar way like what happened with Jalil but to a more extreme because after this some characters like Laila’s family mention how hidden away and distant Rasheed's wife is in part two showing how she has hidden herself away from people and interactions because she’s afraid to form another relationship