ADD And ADHD Analysis

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ADD and ADHD are both terms used to describe attention deficit disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. there are three known types of ADD/ADHD that afflict millions of children each year. ADHD with Primarily Inattentive type label is given to children who are oblivious to their surroundings and easily distracted. even though the word "hyperactivity" is included in the label, there is no real hyperactivity. ADHD with Primarily hyperactive impulsive type is considered for children with excitable and violent tendencies. This type is the most common and is simply referred to as ADHD. The third is a combined type of the previous two and in these children neither type is more prevalent than the other. This type is also just referred to …show more content…

Even if a child remains unaccepted by the peer group at large, having at least one good friend during these years can often protect the child from the full-on negative effects of ostracism by the peer group. Communicate with the school, coaches, and neighborhood parents, so that you know what is going on with your child and with whom your child is spending time. A teacher with extended patience, acceptance, and gentle redirection can serve as a model for the peer group and have some effect on a child 's social status. When a child has experienced failures in the classroom, it becomes even more and more important for the child 's teacher to consciously find ways to draw positive attention to that child. Collaborate with your child 's teacher to make sure the classroom environment is as "ADHD friendly" as possible so that your child is better able to manage ADHD …show more content…

Finally, the impact ADHD has on the intellectual wellness of those afflicted is very serious. Most school aged children tend to regularly fall short in classes. Symptoms of the disorder negatively impacts the functioning and behavior in children and adolescents I school and adults in the workplace. Adolescents and adults with ADHD have been found to be less likely to have achieved a post-secondary educational degree. In children, sixty percent of those with ADHD have learning issues. These can occur in reading, mathematics, and writing, with reading accounting for about eighty percent. Reading disorders, which are commonly referred to as dyslexia, manifest in impairments of reading accuracy, speed, and/or comprehension. Mathematics disorders are displayed by impairment in mathematical calculation or mathematical reasoning. Written expression in the ability to composed written text due to trouble with punctuation, grammar, organization, spelling, and excessively poor