AMC History Essay

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AMC was a car company that started in 1954 and their last cars was made in 1990.At the beginning the company was worth $197,793,366.They had combined with Hudson, Nash, Studebaker, and Packard.Through the 50’s they had many new cars like the 1955 Hornet, 1955 Wasp. 1956 Rambler, and 1958 Ambassador .("AMC - The Spirit Still Lives (history of American Motors)," n.d.). Thomas B . Jeffery was the first person to think of creating AMC but before he thought of making cars he started making Rambler bicycles. In the 19th century he was one of the first and only men interested in making automobiles. When Thomas B. Jeffery died in 1911 but his son Charles had taken over the company in 1910. (A Picture History of American Motors From1957 to 1987. The End of an Era. (n.d.). …show more content…

The 1970 AMC Hornet smallest engine was the 3.3 litre six cylinder all the way up to the 5 litre V8. ( AMC History — the 70s. (n.d.). Retrieved from