
AT & T Essay

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This deal doesn’t aim to enlarge AT&T’s capacity to battle in its current business, the logic is that the company faces no actual competition. The accurate market that AT&T’s want is high-speed data. Americans have an appeal to enormous numbers of data, getting high-speed services has become a progressively critical component of everyday life. AT&T doesn’t want to compensate to compete adequately in that market. AT&T is totally prosperous in its place, having granted all high paying customers to the other cable monopolies. AT&T isn’t challenging or planning to challenge. AT&T has a market of wires to millions of homes. AT&T has no actual concern in improving its current networks to a new and improve the network. AT&T will not hesitate to exit the wired access field someday. But as of right now they will stay where they are.
AT&T’s proposed merger with Time Warner is confirmation that AT&T doesn’t want to plan to invest in an improve fiber network. All this means that the current dormant position that leaves Americans with very few choices for high-speed internet connection will stick around. And citizen that live in AT&T locations, those that don’t have the option of cable or cannot afford a different option, will be completely stuck with AT&T’s neglected second-class …show more content…

DirecTV has been advertised by AT&T so much because AT&T own them now. If this megadeal is to pass than AT&T will own all the properties of Time Warner, this includes both HBO and Warner Bros. This will appear not only in AT&T’s wired home market but along in its massive wireless field. AT&T is in a comfortable position in the mobile industry as of right now. But this deal would give AT&T a giant, mind-boggling encouragement to protect all of its video contribution from its fellow competition. Just so that they can assign its own video adequately to both its wireless and wired

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