Aaron Reiman's Essay: Fork In The Road

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Fork in the road Right now you need to understand what a fork in the road is. A decision that changes your life one way or another, and each path has consequences. Not many people have many life changing decisions anymore. Mini decisions make up our life each is a fork in the road. The fork decision in this age that makes the most difference is simply, “What do we want to be when we grow up, and how do we do that?” One man made his choice, and here is his story.

Aaron Reiman was fifteen years old when he hit his fork. He had to decide, would he become an engineer, or would he be a doctor? Both were good paying. He excelled in both mechanics and engineering as well as in all science classes. People of all ages interested him. He also couldn’t wait to build and program robots. While was overjoyed to do science experiments. Which to choose, which to choose. …show more content…

It would take eleven to sixteen years in college to become a doctor depending on which type of doctor. He had to choose. “ What are the cons?” he wondered, so he found things he didn’t really like too much, something he could give up. For example: Assembling robots, and organs. So, maybe not a doctor doctor; a dentist, an orthodontist, or an optometrist (eye doctor). And maybe he wouldn 't be a mechanical engineer, a software engineer would be better.

Aaron did some research: dentists and optometrists go to school for four years in college, orthodontists go to school for seven years, and software engineers go to college for six years for a masters degree. In a money perspective; orthodontists make a annual salary of approximately $200,500, dentists make approximately $161,750, optometrists make approximately $10,000, and software engineers make approximately