Abraham Lincoln The Greatest President Essay

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The Greatest President
What defines a great president? Born on Feb 12th, 1809, Abraham Lincoln did not have his family to support him by the age of 10, but was still able to read and write, but not much else. With his devotion to learning he was able to become the captain during the Black Hawk's War. The then ran and lost to Douglas, but by the second try he was declared president, and he was able to abolish slavery, and Unite the Unity in the government. Although, another president Franklin D Rossevelt, was able to help the public through the great depression while also attempting to prevent a war showing his abilities as a president. Although president Abraham Lincoln is the greatest U.S. president of all time with his ability to abolish …show more content…

¨He began the Civil War with thoughts only of restoring the Union, but ended up committing the nation to freedom for African-Americans¨. Abraham Lincion while not even planning on it was able to abolish slavery, showing his capability as a leader. He was successfully able to make slaves illegal, greatly decreasing the amount of people that owned one. “President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free.” Abraham Lincoln during his time as president was able to issue a proclamation, freeing all slaves from their …show more content…

¨Further, he rallied most of the northern Democrats to the Union cause¨. Democrats are known to be very strong on their opinions so Abraham Lincons ability to rally them all together shows what a good leader he is. Even brief speeches given by Lincoln were able to inspire the people around him. ¨As with the Gettysburg Address, this March 1865 speech that followed Lincoln’s 1864 reelection was brief yet memorable and influential¨. Abraham Lincoln's speeches were able to inspire other people to do better, and influence people more than other speeches could, showing how well he is able to bring people together under one cause like a good leader