Abraham Lincoln's Speech During The Civil War

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Abraham Lincoln stood before a large audience in the battleground of Gettysburg to honer those

who had lost their life in Battle. The president wanted to make sure that in his address the audience

knew that the sacrifices made of the battlefield during the civil war would not have been in vain. Along

with the lives lost Lincoln also tells them that the war in which Americans are fighting one another

would not tear the country apart. Also people should keep in mind what the founding father wanted

America to be like when they fought for their independence to live in a free nation.

At the time of the Gettysburg address America was caught in the middle of the Civil war, which

tore apart the fabric of the nation. Lincoln was already …show more content…

The reason why

he decided to hold the address at Gettysburg was because it was one of the largest battles of the Civil

war and he thought it would be an appropriate place to remind everyone the sacrifices that had been

made up to that point.

The audience that President Lincoln wanted to reach at the Gettysburg address were the average

Americans, those people who had fought and protected the freedom that America had given their

families when they sailed across from Europe. Simply put Lincoln as President wanted to make sure

that the people of the country he was leading knew that this was only a dark time that America needed

to join together to overcome.

President Lincoln wanted to address the nation with a speech that would hopefully encourage

people to believe in the power of the country and in the power within themselves. Also to shed light on

what the Civil war was doing to the United States he wanted to show people a battlefield that young

men had died on to fight for their freedoms. There is a strong correlation between what he says in his

speech and the field it takes place in. And although the conflict was larger than almost anything