Gettysburg Argument Essay

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A new nation referred to a nation that was free of slavery, where every citizen was important. A new nation that would result to true equality to every citizen, and that would as well build a unified nation where states' rights were not dominant. I agree with Lincoln that the nation was conceived in liberty and all citizens had the right to be free from state rights. In just over two minutes, President Abraham Lincoln invoked the ethics of human equality advocated by the Declaration of Independence and renamed the Civil War as a fight not just for the Union, however, as a new birth of freedom that would result to true equality to every citizens, and that would as well build a unified nation where states' rights were not dominant.

A score was 20 years, consequently 4 score and 7 years ago amount to 87 years. United States was 87 years old during Lincoln's Gettysburg Address that is from 1776 to 1863.

Starting with the expression Four score and seven years ago, …show more content…

Abraham Lincoln refers to the civil war as a test of the Union's patience, while the duty of preserving it still remains incomplete. He promulgated the civil war as one meant to bring about the rebirth of freedom and citizens' power over the state. The Battle of Gettysburg was actually a turning point during the civil war, making the city a burial ground for over 7500 militia. The sob of surviving family members received the respite in Lincoln's speech at the sanctification of the 17 acres of burial ground. Gettysburg Address was important since Lincoln's political opinions re-addressed war effort furthermore challenged the result that otherwise appeared in support of the copperheads. Because of much political competition, the Gettysburg Address was not a sensation at the occasion. Actually, lack of applause and newspaper unresponsiveness signifies that the speech was made during a highly volatile stage within the American