Abrahim Case Study

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Attendees: Ray Onyesoh (HWE), Abrahim Masuod (youth) and Asif (brother)
Objective: BHH-HWE conducted a FTF with Abrahim at his family residence
Medication: Inhaler
Missed school days: Summer break
ER: None
Upcoming appointments:
Discussion: Asif (brother) reported that Abrahim is doing well in the home and is in compliance with his probation terms. Abrahim was meeting with his Mentor during the visit. He reported that his asthma is under control and has an inhaler that he uses when needed. Asif (brother) stated that Abrahim's behavior in the home is stable and he's doing his best to " control is anger."
Plan: BHH-HWE will continue to provide health and wellness support to Abrahim and family. The next meeting

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